Nog steeds kansen op expositie in het Louvre

Het laatste nieuws met betrekking tot de Fifth Annual Exposure Photograpy Award kwam vandaag via de e-mail binnen:

Dear Tjeerd Doosje

Thanks again for sharing your work for consideration for The Exposure Award. It’s an honor to have your work included in one of the largest global celebrations of photography!

So far the portfolios of the Exposure Award have been viewed more than 4 million times.

This email confirms your entry to the Exposure Award. You are eligible for The Grand Prize Exposure Award, awarding a $15,000 cash grant, a private reception at the Louvre, and a dream weekend in Paris!

You can view your entry here:

The second round of judging is complete and our jury panel is making their final selects. You will be able to see some of their top picks in our weekly features email.

We will be announcing the Grand Prize Award winner later this week, stay tuned!

Thanks again for being a part of The Exposure Award and good luck!

Duimen dus (en nagelbijten).