Foto Pien (0407) toegevoegd

Eén foto van Piens 4e fotoshoot toegevoegd.

500 px Score: 94,8 (25 juli 2015)

Reacties op de foto:

Mooi! Goede uitdrukking op haar gezicht 🙂

Noukka Signe

Pien a compliment for the expression. Good job also Tjeerd!

Piet Wijma

I love the light and colours outside surrounding this girls face. You really made an excellent portrait out of this :))

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Brilliant portrait!

Ajay George
Verenigde Arbische Emiraten

Great expression, impressive shot!

Lars Krux

Tjeerd, again you have demonstrated your skills and talents combined in this lovely portrait image. You have captured the person and applied excellent techniques for attaining bokeh with an f/4 setting. Good job!

C. Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten

Great light and lovely shot!

Mariluz Laforet

Good pose! Vote!

Kombizz Kashani
Verenigde Staten

Beautiful and charming girl, lovely light and portrait.

Irfan Zaidi
Verenigde Staten

Oh, Pien … all you have to do is to stay there. You are so innocent and cute! (^^)
I like her natural expression. Bokeh on the left and backlight on the right are terrific!!

Yokai Catchlight