Foto Pien (0513) toegevoegd

Foto van Piens 5e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Meer van deze fotoshoot.

500 px Score: 91,8 (27 maart 2016)
Reacties op de foto:
Heel mooi!

Ines van Megen-Thijssen

Love the contrast between the makeup, the skin and the dress. Well done to both of you.

Doug Ross

She has many faces, Tjeerd and always a different expression. This is another splendid capture of her!

Hanna Schermer

Well done!

Alex Tsarfin

Buen retrato!!!

Jairo Angel

Classy portrait as always, Tjeerd! I especially like the contrast between Pien’s lips and backdrop. Green blouse, green eyes, green backdrop and green necklace are beautifully synchronized.

Yokai Catchlight

Heel mooi, Tjeerd!

Dirk Noort

Beautiful portrait!

Mugiwara Bousi

Beautiful portrait work!

Irfan Zaidi
(Verenigde Staten)

This is really impressive! Pien looks so natural! Was this done with natural light? A first class presentation! Well done S.T.!

Geoffrey West

Great model and pose!

Delores Poll
(Verenigde Staten)


Jay Z
(Verenigde Staten)

As usual, you are posting some lovely portraits. Good job!

Michael Sturgeon
(Verenigde Staten)