Foto Rianne (0204) toegevoegd

Foto van Riannes 2e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Meer van deze fotoshoot.

 500px Score: 95,0 (16 oktober 2017)
Reacties op de foto:
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!

Marianne Clement


Suhail Khan

Yokai is totally right, this is an excellent portrait (as always).

Björn Jönsson

I bet all portrait photographers regard this work as an excellent one. Colors, lighting, pose, skin tones ... everything is fantastic!

Yokai Catchlight

What a lovely portrait, ST, great work!

Perry Hoag
(Verenigde Staten)

This is (my opinion) a very personal portrait (it gives me the feeling of being in direct contact with the model). It's beautifully presented, Tjeerd!

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Excellent portrait.

Vicente Concha

Great portrait, especially the eyes, Tjeerd!

Delores Poll
(Verenigde Staten)

Great, classic portrait, Tjeerd!

Randy Poll
(Verenigde Staten)

Prachtige belichting, Tjeerd!

Dirk Noort

Perfect portrait, super!

Changbao She

As usual, your lighting is that of perfection. -- possibly your mathematic skills assist?

Michael Sturgeon
(Verenigde Staten)