Uitnodiging 1e International Biennial of Art in the World, Palermo

In de e-mail trof ik een uitnodiging aan om deel te nemen aan de internationale kunstexpositie Art Palermo in Italië.

De tekst in de e-mail luidt:

Dear Tjeerd Doosje,

I want your participation in this important Art Event: “1st International Biennial of Art in the World” curated by Salvatore Russo, Francesco Saverio Russo and Sandro Serradifalco.

Have you ever wanted to participate in a Biennale involving Artists from all over the world?
Thanks to our international contacts this is finally possible.
All 5 Continents will be represented.

A Biennale that will see the participants divided by country and that will have in Palermo, the location where the video exhibition of the admitted works will take place.

The “1st International Biennial of Art in the Word” is certainly a project in which Great Artists cannot fail to participate.

Palermo collectors have always been very attentive to International Art.
The houses of the Palermitani are furnished with modern and contemporary works of art from all over the world.

The idea of an International Biennial that would bring artists from all over the world to dialogue arose from the increasingly insistent request by Italian collectors, gallery owners and merchants to propose foreign artists, capable of representing their own nation in the best possible way.

An important journalistic service will be dedicated by the magazine “Art International Contemporary Magazine“, to the 1st International Biennial of Art in the World, which will take place via video projection of the participating works at the Effetto Arte Gallery in Palermo.


– 1 color page in the “Art International Contemporary Magazine” in the September/October issue with the publication of 1 artwork and contacts
– 1 color page in the catalog “1st International Biennial of Art in the World ”
– Plate personalized with your name.
– Video projection of the works inside the Effetto Arte Gallery in Palermo in September
– 1 copy of the catalog “1st International Biennial of Art in the World”.
– 1 copy of the Art International Contemporary Magazine issue of September/October 2021

Meer info volgt op een later moment.