Inzending voor “Top 60 Masters 2022”, New York, gedaan

Het is dan toch eindelijk voor elkaar: de inzending voor ATIM’s Top 60 Masters 2022 met de prijsuitreiking in New York, aankomende juni, is gedaan!

Nadat me door de organisatie uitstel was verleend (als gevolg van onvoorziene en voor mij oncontroleerbare gebeurtenissen) voor het insturen van de foto’s, is het nu toch daadwerkelijk gebeurd.

Er zijn in totaal 11 foto’s (in tegenstelling tot de eerder gedachte 20 foto’s) van Merlin opgestuurd met als thema “The Development of a Model”.
Deze worden in het ArtTour International Magazine gepubliceerd.

Tevens werd er gevraagd om een zogenaamd Artist Statement die erbij moest worden opgestuurd.

Artist Statement
I’m Tjeerd Doosje, a 56 year old self taught photographer from the Netherlands.
My official profession is being a math teacher at a highschool.
At a given moment there was this makeup course at our school and I made a collaboration with a makeup artist, doing some mini photoshoots at the end of each lesson.
One pupil in particular always attended the lessons and because I liked doing photoshoots so much, I asked her and her parents whether it would be okay to do a full photoshoot at their home.
They approved and in July 2012 the first “official” photoshoot was a fact.

I’m an impassioned photographer who wants to connect with my models.
I always hear other photographers talk about their subject and although that may be the right term, I think it’s an odd expression, because in this kind of photography we’re talking about and with persons and saying “subject” de-humanize the person in my opinion.
I want to portrait the person in a slightly other way than a “normal” portrait.
I’m a perfectionist both during the shoots as well as in the postproduction.
That means that the lighting on set must be right and I must have that connection with my model which, by the way, always starts in pre-production.
It sometimes means that placing the model and/or light is a matter of segments of inches.
During the shoot I already know which photos will be post-processed because I get thrilled by the image I just shot.
My images have, most of the time, more contrast and saturated colours than what seems to be the trend nowadays.

I consciously do not name my photos, because that unconsciously influences the viewer.
They are named by only the model and in parentheses a four digit number.
The first two digits represent the shootnumber and the last two digits represent the number of the photo.

I always want the best for my models and wherever I can I will showcase them so that I can contribute to their modeling careers.
It means that I always look for an image that is (slightly) different from the average, with portrait work having my slight preference.
Although I have been selected as ATIM Top 60 Masters for my entire oeuvre, I consciously choose to submit this selection of photos of model Merlin Sen.
The theme of this series of photos is: “The development of a model”.
Merlin started with me as a starting model and wants to become a professional model.
This international prize seemed to me an extremely suitable opportunity to draw extra attention to her.

Photography is a form of art and just like any other form of art it evolves during time and depends on the zeitgeist.
The photos of Merlin reflect these evolution of a her as a model.
Creating a special photo always depend on the connection between the model(s), the makeup artist(s) and the creativity that manifests during the photoshoots.
In my opinion it’s never my art alone, but also a collaboration between people that reflects in the photo.
Without model(s) there would never be a piece of art like I’m making.

Het kan nog zijn dat (een deel van) de inzending, om welke reden dan ook, door de curators van het magazine, worden geweigerd, maar daar ga ik niet van uit.

Het volgende is nu een afspraak inplannen voor het online interview.

Wordt vervolgd

Eerdere berichten over de ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Award:
Tickets besteld
Ticket voor uitreiking
Uitstel deadline gevraagd en gekregen
Laatste update
Inzending worden foto’s van Merlin
Top 60 Masters 2021: bestseller op Amazon
Antwoord op videovragen
(BTS) video gevraagd
Kan ik de prijsuitreiking bijwonen?
Data gewijzigd
Afbeelding voor Instagram ontvangen
Digitaal certificaat ontvangen
De stand van zaken
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