Recensie foto’s “Emerging” M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milaan

Via de e-mail ontving ik de catalogus die behoorde bij de digitale internationale expositie “Emerging” die afgelopen maand in de M.A.D.S. Gallery in Milaan werd gehouden en waarin een recensie geschreven staat over de deelnemende foto’s.

De recensie komt als een verrassing – daarom des te leuker – en is geschreven door Chiara Marin, doctorandus in economie en management en in economie en management van cultureel erfgoed.

In de recensie worden onderstaande drie foto’s van Catinca, Rona en Teline besproken die in de expositie “Emerging” in de M.A.D.S. Gallery tentoon waren gesteld.

De tekst hierboven is als volgt:

“In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.”
(Christopher Morley)

Hands up who hasn’t been enchanted by a person having big eyes, in whose iris there is a world of colors.
And again, hands up who hasn’t observed particular shapes of a flower, that flower that everyday has a different fragrance and communicates with you all colors of spring.
We are all fascinated by beauty: whether it is objective or subjective, it does not matter.
It is always the sign of the passage of God otherwise anyone who has had the power to release this divine spectacle.

Tjeerd Doosje is known for taking photographs to young models, where natural beauty is the main protagonist.
In particular, the author prefers to immortalize girls’ faces, where features of both their young age and their innocence are visible. In fact, it is no coincidence that all girls have eyes capable of making people breathless: as people usually say: their eyes are soul reflection, that soul which is not yet damned because of sins of life.
About titles of his artworks, the author chooses models’ name who he immortalizes.

In particular, in “Catinca (0306)“, we can be seduced by the color of both her eyes and white lilies of Calla, placed on the foreground. Although they are closer to the cameraman, the child is the only one in focus. This means that the author gives more importance to human being rather than flowers: in fact, eyes express a thousand secrets day after day. However, this work is the emblem of purity, in which the white color has an important role.

In “Rona (0109)“, instead, we can observe one of the girls looking around: she was thinking about something, otherwise she was waiting for having an advice from God. In fact, sometimes our intuition is not enough to deal with a problem in the best way: sometimes we need to share it with someone who is close to us, in order to have a different point of view, that we have not already been considered.

In “Teline (0113)“, the gaze on Teline’s face is amazing: she opens her green eyes, showing her pure beauty. In emerald colour, we can see reflected notes of yellow, as if she had taken a ray of sunshine and put it in her gaze, before being photographed.
The girl also has a crown of dried flowers, often used to celebrate a particular tradition.

We can compare Tjeerd’s photographs with those made by Regis and Kahran, a couple who works mainly in the United States and celebrates the natural beauty of black children.
The most fascinating series of them is called “Afro Art”, which is a collection of portraits in which their main protagonist is people’s hair, making thus these photographs true works of art. In this case, this series wants to inspire girls all over the world to love each other because of their differences and their peculiarities, far from modern society stereotypes.

As all images made by Tjeerd Doosje, particular attention is also paid to details: we can see fascinating profiles in every frame.
In conclusion: all works by Tjeerd Doosje are able to give a voice to girls’ hearts, showing their purity and their youth.

Eerdere berichten over de Emerging expositie:
Laatste dag expositie
Video expositie
Certificates of Participation ontvangen
Foto’s goedgekeurd
Drie foto’s ingestuurd
Aanvullende informatie
Uitnodiging ontvangen

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