Foto Selia (0211) toegevoegd

Eén foto van Selia’s 2e fotoshoot toegevoegd.

ViewBug Top 10 Class (75e plaats van 4.353)
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“Image of the Month Volume 14” (28 oktober 2016)
 500px Score: 92,2 (26 mei 2015) – Reüpload
Reacties op de foto:
Nice portrait!

Roger Arnefalk

Excellent pose and eye contact!

Thomas Dyer

Excellent shot, Tjeerd!

Ingmar Hoogerhoud

Like this a lot! Nice pose and great thoughtful expression. Works really well in black and white.

Doug Ross

Perfect lighting and beautiful pose! Photographing models at their home make them relaxed for sure.

Yokai Catchlight

Superb framing and excellent black and white and that personal direct look from her eyes! Well done, Studio Tjeerd 🙂

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Stunning and beautiful work.

Vicente Concha

Beautiful portrait.

Stefan Adronache

Very beautiful, as always. I love the light and the placement of the hands. Well done!

Harry Gordon Bisel
(Verenigde Staten)

This portrait really stands out for me. Works very well in black and white. Nice processing.. great tone balance, lighting and depth. Most of all I like the way she looked in the camera… great expression and pose. Beautiful portrait and a beautiful girl, nicely done :))

Claudia Schwardt