Foto Claartje (1501) toegevoegd

Foto van Claartjes 15e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Meer van deze fotoshoot.

500 px Score: 91,8 (13 juni 2015)
Reacties op de foto:
Very nice shot!

Oleg Beloussov

So natural. Seeing how she is enjoying this moment of Sunshine. A wonderful capture, Tjeerd!

Hanna Schermer

Lovely use of natural light, Tjeerd!

Dirk Noort

Very nice frame, Tjeerd!

Abdullah Aydemir

Great portrait, wonderful pov and nature atmosphere!

Norbert Stojke

Again: wonderful photo, Tjeerd. Nice hard natural light and DoF!

Wahyu Ono

Wonderful image! I love your sharp focus. Very nice work. Well done S.T.!

Geoffrey West

Beautiful portrait and light!

Svetlana Povarova Ree

Nice to see your model outdoors! Nice shot too 🙂

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Nice work!

Omid Farrokh

Not only in full face but also a face seen from the side, she is attractive!

Yokai Catchlight