Foto Merel (0211-BW) toegevoegd

Foto van Merels 2e fotoshoot toegevoegd.

YouPic Status Inspiration (17 maart 2017)
500 px Score: 96,5 (23 november 2015)

Reacties op de foto:

Zonder titel

Excellent work! Congrats!

Hans Lunenborg

Zonder titel

Nice B&W Merel’s portrait picture, congrats on a very well deserved star, Tjeerd!

José Bernat Feixa

Lovely gaze and expression. Nicely done.

Manel Ferrandis

Beautiful eyes!!!

Dan Leszek

Beautiful portrait shot, lights and model.

Robert Schüller

Mooi werk als altijd! Mooi dromerige uitdrukking…

Jan Marten Hoogebeen

Great work as always, Tjeerd! Imperfect images are often more attractive and appealing than stereotype images. I think this is one of them. In fact, the lighting behind her is captivating and original. And I like her facial expression very much. I am drawn to her charm. (^^)

Yokai Catchlight

Excellent monochrome.

Thomas Dyer

Tres belle une étoile de moi *** Le portrait est magnifique. Beau modèle aussi!!!
(Heel mooi. Een ster van mij. Het portret is magnifiek. Ook een mooi model!!!)

Josephine Campi

It’s a beautiful B/W.

Ichiro Murata

A really nice personal look! Merel is experienced when it comes to being photographed. It is easy to see. She is photogenic and a nice model. In addition, the image must be taken in the right way. The only thing that distracts somewhat from the main focus is the light on top that I think is a little too visible. But that’s just my personal opinion. I think you’ve done a good job with this one Tjeerd 🙂

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Tjeerd: One of your best images thus far. Lighting, tonal quality and expression is just spot on. Well done. Print and frame this – it’s simply that good!

Doug Ross