Update over “Inspiration: International Art Book”


In de e-mail een berichtje over het “Inspiration: International Art Book” met een paar leuke verrassingen.

Just a quick update Tjeerd Doosje

The book preparation is going really well. We already started working on the layouts and will present them to you for approval in the upcoming weeks. Please check for further emails from us.

Meanwhile we are preparing a special bonus to our featured artists like you.

Premium Gallery

Just to be clear this is a great bonus for you, I am not trying to upsell you something and there are no extra charges or costs on your side!  It is a new bonus called “Premium Gallery”. Each of our featured artists will receive a well designed online art gallery page on our new premium domain artbook.gallery. There is no work needed on your part, the gallery will be formed from the images you submitted. It will also contain your contact information so that potential viewers and buyers will be able to reach you directly.

Once it is ready you will receive an email about it containing your personal link. This is a bonus for you and we will not charge any commissions of your sales or anything like that.

Avatar or “Me at work” image request

To personalize your gallery it’s good to add your personal photo, avatar or a simple “Me at work” photo. This is optional but highly recommended. Please send us such photo at square format 120×120 px or bigger. (must be square) just as an attachment to your reply.

Your personal interview (optional bonus)

Another possible bonus for your gallery is to include your personal interview. You can either provide mp3 with your previous interviews or we can call you directly and record your interview via phone. It will be an easy 10-15 min discussion about your art styles, goals and your vision. If you’d like

Again there is no charge or hidden costs for that, we just want to help you with art promotion as a part of book featuring package.

If you’d like such interview to be recorded please reply and confirm your cell phone number to reach you.

Wishing you a great year

George and the team.


Kortom: er komt een speciale webpagina met de galerij met foto’s en er bestaat ook nog de mogelijkheid om een telefonisch interview op te laten nemen die tevens op de webpagina gezet wordt. Ik weet alleen niet of mijn Engels wel goed genoeg hiervoor is…
De pasfoto is inmiddels al opgestuurd.

Overigens is het boek, dat onder andere in George’s handen wordt gehouden, groter dan ik me had voorgesteld.

Hoe nu verder?
Wanneer het boek is gepubliceerd, wordt dit aan een Top 100 bekende en minder bekende Art Galleries over de hele wereld opgestuurd. Tevens zal het boek worden verkocht op Amazon.com.

Welke van de 12 onderstaande foto’s zullen worden gepubliceerd is nog niet duidelijk. Om deze in een slideshow te bekijken: klik op de foto.

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