Spannend: portfolio beoordeeld door onafhankelijke professional

Wat zou een onafhankelijk professional te zeggen hebben over negen ingezonden foto’s voor de fotowedstrijd “Lensculture Portrait Awards 2016”? Ook benieuwd? Lees dan verder!

Ruim twee maanden geleden zijn de negen foto’s (die overigens geen van allen in de prijzen zijn gevallen) ingestuurd voor de “Lensculture Portrait Awards 2016”.
De mogelijkheid bestond om deze foto’s te laten beoordelen door een professional en van die extra service heb ik gebruik gemaakt.
Spannend wat deze persoon te zeggen heeft over de ingezonden foto’s.

Portrait Awards 2016 – Single Category by Tjeerd Doosje
Reviewer Feedback

Thank you for showing these images.

Pien (0416-2)
Pien (0416-2)
Pien (0504)
Pien (0504)

I find that images Pien (0416-2) and Pien (0504) are much more conceptually involved than the others.
In Pien (0416-2) you have made the quality of light a plastic transaction between depth of field, directed involvement and the psychic line of the model’s gaze. This is much more than straight photography and says much about the photographer’s gesture.
Image Pien (0504) places light on the model’s chin in a way that resembles 15th Century paintings and brings this same quality to the background. This makes the photograph more than straight photography and enhances your involvement as the photographer; we see your gesture here, as well.
I recommend thinking about how these two photographs can become your signature style, the images for which you want to to be know in the future. They have fine art qualities that are stunning.

Claartje (1408)
Claartje (1408)

Image Claartje (1408) is sharpened by the narrow frame and the alignment of the vertical axis with the model’s spine. We remain concentrated on her form and it is magnified by the frame. The balance of color and light shifts from one side of the frame to the other. It’s noticeable, and so it makes me question what the purpose of this is. It’s pretty, but it makes me ruminate about technical quality more than pose and the constructed reality.

Terra (0111)
Terra (0111)

Image Terra (0111) is fun! The pose and frozen time makes me understand the way in which a young woman feels in a pretty dress, and the presence of the studio light in the background is a way in which the photographer makes a gesture and presence in the frame. As part of a series of photographs that similarly use the studio as part of the subject, this image can be a powerful statement.

Each image is good, but some have more significance. Pien (0416-2) and Pien (0504) can become signatures that reflect back to the photographer, the ideas about photography for which you become known.

Keep up the good work!

Bij een aantal foto’s werd ook nog een extra opmerking gemaakt:

Claartje (0803): “This shadow edge transfer is beautiful. It is stark, but brings in the shape of the nose and cheek very well.”
Merel (0121): "I would remove the mole. My eye is drawn there."
Merel (0121): “I would remove the mole. My eye is drawn there.”
Claartje (1408): "These color complements and contrasts are stunning."
Claartje (1408): “These color complements and contrasts are stunning.”
Pien (0416-2): "A perfect photograph".
Pien (0416-2): “A perfect photograph”.

Het mag duidelijk zijn dat degene die dit portfolio beoordeeld heeft vooral gecharmeerd is van de foto’s Pien (0416-2) en Pien (0504), waarbij hij/zij vindt dat dit foto’s zijn die mijn “handtekening” kunnen worden in de portretfotografie.
Hoe dan ook kan ik niet anders dan tevreden zijn met deze review!