Inzending Celeste Prize 2016

In 2014 voor het eerst meegedaan aan de prestigieuze wedstrijd voor hedendaagse kunst. Vorig jaar werd de deadline niet gehaald, maar dit jaar weer een inzending met twee foto’s.

Twee foto’s zijn ingestuurd voor de Celeste Prize 2016. Het gaat om één foto van Pien en één foto van Claartje:

25 Augustus
Op 25 augustus maakt de jury de 53 namen van de kunstenaars bekend die in de finale staan.

7 Oktober
Op 7 oktober wordt de winnaar bekend gemaakt op een ceremonie in Bargehouse OXO Tower, London.

Informatie over de wedstrijd is op de website van Celeste te lezen (overgenomen van de website):


53 finalist works and projects will be chosen by a jury of top art curators and critics, led by Ellen Blumenstein, director of KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin. Prizes are awarded according to voting by the 53 finalist artists themselves at the final exhibition in London.

  • 23,000 € cash prizes
  • Project Prize 4,000 €
  • Painting & Drawing Prize 4,000 €
  • Photography & Digital Graphics Prize 4,000 €
  • Video & Animation Prize 4,000 €
  • Installation, Sculpture & Performance Prize 4,000 €
  • NEW Super-Young Prize 3,000 €


Exhibition opportunities are just some of the benefits which everyone can gain when entering the prize.

If you enter you could be selected for

  • A group exhibition in one of our partner art Galleries
  • The video art section of the River to River Indian Film Festival, 3-8 December
  • Inclusion in ‘Editors’ choices’, the network’s weekly online showcase of 5 prize works
  • Active promotion of your artwork in our internet social media channels

If you are a finalist

  • Your work will be presented to each of the 160 past jurors of Celeste Prize
  • Your work will be exhibited in central London and in contact with the city’s art crowd
  • You benefit from the communications whirlwind in the international art press
  • Your work and personal presentation will be published in the prize’s printed catalogue

If you are a winner

  • We shall send a dedicated email about you and your work to everyone in the community
  • Interview about you and your work in a dedicated online page
  • A dedicated news article in Celeste Network
  • A personal web portfolio in Viewbook
  • A personal page in Kleio
  • A part of 23,000 € cash prizes