Uitnodiging voor internationaal “World Wide Art Books” ontvangen

Bij het openen van de e-mail trof ik een e-mail aan waarin ik word uitgenodigd om foto’s aan te leveren voor een internationaal Artbook.

Het is vergelijkbaar met het inspiration: International Art Book waar dit jaar foto’s in zijn gepubliceerd.
Eerst maar eens kijken wat deze organisatie te bieden heeft, maar vooral ook wat de kosten er van zijn.

De e-mail die ik vandaag ontvangen heb staat hieronder:

I came across your art through studiotjeerd.nl  and I liked it so much. I would like to invite you to submit  your portfolio for inclusion in Current Masters, International Contemporary Masters and Important World Artists:  three leading juried annual art publications presenting noteworthy artists and photographers from all over the world.

We have a large distribution and the purpose of the book is to promote the artists in it. Besides delivering it for free to galleries, art collectors, museums, etc. we distribute free copies to all visitors and exhibitors in art shows that we participate, such as Spectrum-Red Dot in Miami, Art Expo New York. Only artists who are up to the standards of our art committee are selected.

As a result, the artists in our books are approached by many galleries to exhibit their art.

Please note that inclusion in the books is not free. Approved artists must pay a participation fee which varies according to the number of pages of the artist’s presentation.
Galleries, agencies and groups of 2 or more artists receive special discounts.

Artists appearing in the book are invited to participate in the exhibition organized by WWAB at the Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Arts in Las Vegas, dedicated to each new volume.

You can review our previous books on our site.
If you are interested, I can send you detailed information.
We also have a tremendous art portal where artists can create their portfolios for free and sell their art directly to their clients, paying no commissions to anyone! Regardless of inclusion in the books, you can use artavita for your free portfolio and art announcements.