Foto Claartje (1710) toegevoegd

Foto van Claartjes 17e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Meer van deze fotoshoot.

YouPic Status Inspiration (15 oktober 2016)
 500px Score: 96,2 (14 oktober 2016)
Reacties op de foto:
Claartje looks very fashionable and elegant in red. I like her relaxed pose and beautiful backdrop.

Yokai Catchlight

Great portrait. Love they way you’ve lit this!

Charles Landis
(Verenigde Staten)

Wonderful work, I agree absolutely with Geoffrey!

Björn Jönnson

Magnifique quelle beauté ****

Josephine Campi

Beautiful shot!

Akin Saner


Eddie Fisher


Luis Manuel


Hans Lunenborg

Well captured!

Pierre Pelli

Excellent portrait, Tjeerd. Composition wise, I think the pose is very natural and Claartje is holding the bag nicely. If this shot was to show off the garment then it really looks great. I dissagree with the earlier comment because I think the skin tones and lighting are excellent. In my opinion, this is impressive photography.

Geoffrey West

I like the lighting, Tjeerd!

Randy Poll
(Verenigde Staten)

Good light, Tjeerd. I think maybe I would just lower a really small bit on the highlights of her face. I like her expression a lot, but I think her body language in the hands is a bit "what do I do with this purse?" or maybe it's just me (I think you already start to know me and probably know that sometimes I can get to picky!).

Paulo Abrantes

Well done!

Dave Kuekat
(Verenigde Staten)