Volgende uitnodiging galerie New York

Op de een of andere manier zijn de galerieën in New York erg geïnteresseerd in de foto’s die ik maak, want in de e-mail trof ik opnieuw een uitnodiging aan voor een mogelijke expositie in New York.

Het gaat nu dus om een andere kunstgalerie dan die van Artifact en de Caelum Gallery. Nu gaat het om de Ward-Nasse Gallery.

“Dear Tjeerd,

I am aware artists are receiving many solicitations and it is becoming difficult to chose what to do and who to work with.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself: my name is Harry Nasse, the Ward-Nasse Gallery founder/president

Ward-Nasse Gallery  is a full service art gallery providing gallery representation, and art fair exhibitions. Our curator Ms. Leda Maria and I have been working  together for over 13 years and have built a creditable and trustworthy reputation in the art industry. She is also a professional artist and I was an artist as well. In business since 1960 when I have founded Ward-Nasse  Gallery in Boston, then moved to soho, New York in 1970.

With our combined years of experience, we are confident we can help you with your art career. We sincerely welcome the opportunity to work with you.

I would appreciate a reply to this email, as to letting me know you have received the message. Upon your further interest, we can discuss further details and answer questions or concerns you may have. And we can have some proposals to you to exhibit in New York, and also in Europe.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Harry Nasse”
In ieder geval heb ik – natuurlijk – een e-mail terug geschreven dat ik de e-mail heb ontvangen. Wie weet wat er nog uit voortkomt.