Rechtstreekse uitnodiging Galleria360, Florence (Italië) ontvangen

Het kan niet op met aanbiedingen vanuit Italië!
“I would first like to compliment you on your stunning artistic style” zo staat te lezen in de rechtstreeks – via deze website – aan mij gerichte uitnodiging voor Galleria360 in Florence (Italië).

De curator van Galleria360 heeft via het contactformulier op deze website het volgende geschreven:

“Dear Tjeerd Doosje.

I am Lauren Denler the researcher of international artists for “Galleria360″ based in Florence, Italy, one of the most important cities in the world for the arts.

Having come across your artworks on your website, I would first like to compliment you on your stunning artistic style.

We really admired your artworks and therefore, secondly, I would like to invite you to take part in the exhibition “New ART” from Friday, January 12th at 7:00 pm to February 6th 2017.

If you are interested in taking part in this exhibition, I can send a letter with all the conditions and costs relating to any services required both inside and outside the gallery that will be necessary for the organization and promotion of the exhibition. Below are listed the services we will provide:

· Exhibition space and mounting of the exhibition;
· Color printed exhibition invitations;
· The above invite will be sent both in paper form and via the mailing list to many prestigious hotels in Florence, residences, B&B, Banks, Professional Studios (Lawyers, Businessmen, Architects, Notaries etc) Medical Offices, Cultural spaces, Public Spaces, Art collector.
· An announcement of the exhibition on art and culture websites
· Advertising of the exhibition on the gallery’s website;
· Creation of and invitations to the inaugural event on the official Galleria360 Facebook page
· Information on the event sent to the specialized magazines and daily newspapers
· A presentation at the Inaugural Evening on the works and the artist(s) by the Gallery’s Art Director and Art Critic
· Televised clips with interview hosted by our Art Critic
· Televised clips of the exhibition with subsequent appearances on the Gallery’s website and the Gallery’s YouTube channel
· A special event invitation brochure
· An Inaugural Event with aperitivo, buffet and networking opportunities
· Subsequent adding of photos of the event on the gallery’s website;
· Promotion of the artists and their work by the Gallery staff throughout the duration of the exhibition
· Collaboration with hotels in the area to invite their customers to the exhibition
· The Gallery will be open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am until 7:30pm, Monday from 3pm until 7:30pm and Sunday closed.
· Facilities for accommodation with “Hotel Executive” (4 star) near the Gallery Via Curtatone

For more information about the gallery, visit the website.

The direct link for the page’s exhibition (future event).

I’m waiting your kind reply.
Kind Regards,
Lauren Denler
Researcher of International Artists”

Opnieuw een veelbelovende uitnodiging, al vrees ik dat het wel héél erg kort dag is om deel te nemen aan de expositie vanaf 12 januari: er moet nog minimaal één foto worden uitgezocht, de moet worden afgedrukt en ingelijst én worden opgestuurd.
Wellicht is er later in het jaar nog een mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan een expositie; dat is in ieder geval wat ik zal vragen in mijn antwoord op deze e-mail.

Wordt misschien wel weer vervolgd.

N.B. dit blogbericht is in verband met operaties en het herstel ervan met terugwerkende kracht en kennis geschreven op een later moment (22 januari 2018).