Digitale expositie in Kunsthaus Weiz (Oostenrijk): update

In de e-mail vandaag een reminder én extra info van de curator van Sei l’Arte over de eventuele digitale expositie in het Kunsthaus te Weiz, Oostenrijk.

In het bijgaande PDF-document wordt meer informatie gegeven over wat de expositie nu precies inhoudt:

The cultural Association “Sei l’Arte”, with president and curator Mara Campaner in collaboration with the president of Arte Fiera Dolomiti and the cultural center of Weiz, organize the first video exhibition in Austria
in the city of Weiz. The exhibition will take place:

from April, 13th to May, 5th 2018

“Sei l’Arte”, which deals with art exhibitions in Italy and abroad, proposes the participation of contemporary artists in the exhibition “Kunstmesse Dolomiten”. The exhibition is of the 2nd edition, an event that is part of the exhibitions that Arte Fiera Dolomiti and the Web Art gallery offer throughout the year.

The exhibition will take place on the premises of the Art House, a public exhibition space in Weiz, in the Styrian region, a few kilometers from the famous Graz, and 100 km from the capital Vienna.

The city of Weiz is rich in history with churches in the Baroque style, Renaissance palaces, with the famous Apfelstrasse (a street dedicated to the apple, one of Styrian’s most prized assets) and a beautiful stalactite cave.

On display will be historicized artists who have made the history of Italian and Venetian art and emerging artists who are making their mark in the Italian artistic environment.

Our Association could not miss the opportunity for participation and give the opportunity to the artists to start making themselves known in Austrian context and public through a video exhibition and insertion in the paper catalog of the exhibition.

Wordt vervolgd.

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