Persoonlijke uitnodiging Onishi Project Gallery, New York, ontvangen

Via de interne berichtendienst van Celeste Network ontving ik een uitnodiging voor een groepsexpositie in de Onishi Project Gallery in New York.

Dit keer komt de uitnodiging van Stefania Carrozzini: NYarts Magazine correspondent en curator van MyMicroGallery in New York en is inmiddels al de zesde persoonlijke uitnodiging van een galerie uit deze plaats. Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, Art Productions New York, Artifact, de Caelum Gallery, Ward-Nasse Gallery en Montserrat Contemporary Art Gallery gingen deze uitnodiging voor, maar dit heeft (nog) niet geleid tot een daadwerkelijke expositie.

Opnieuw is het een galerie die gelegen is in het kunstdistrict Chelsea (de Montserrat Contemporary Art Gallery, de Amsterdam Whitney Gallery en de Caelum Gallery liggen ook in die wijk).

Het bericht zoals ik die ontvangen heb:

Dear Tjeerd Doosje,

I am curating a show titled “DEALING WITH THE GAZE” and I would like to include some of your work in. It is a group show held at the ONISHI PROJECT GALLERY, in NEW YORK CITY and consists of 7 artists from different countries.

ONISHI PROJECT GALLERY is located in Chelsea, New York City, the center of contemporary art and the heart of the Chelsea art district boasting over 400 galleries and attracting international collectors.
I am inviting high quality artists whose work fits with the exhibition, and your work, particularly will contribute to the strength of the show.

I have 22 years of curatorial experience in New York City and other cities around the world, and for ten years I have had an ongoing relationship with the Onishi Gallery in New York. I have worked with D’Ars Magazine (1993-2007) in the areas of international exhibition projects, and arts and culture; I was the Director of the CVB Gallery in New York City (2003-2007); and I have worked for many years closely with art critic Pierre Restany, founder of the Nouveau Realism Movement. You can find more out about my credentials at

I have a gallery in Milan and all artists that are working with me can have an opportunity also to exhibit in Milan at MyMicroGallery or in other country such as UK (London) and Germany (Berlin). There is a fee to cover my curatorial services, catalogue, hireage of the gallery space, installation and deinstallation, promotion and marketing including design, printing and distribution of postcards and other material, the opening reception, and the exhibition organization. If you are interested I will send you all information and details.
Warm regards,
Stefania Carrozzini

Ik heb Stefania geantwoord dat ik op zich wel geïnteresseerd ben en dat ik meer informatie wil hebben, maar dat ik het prettig zou vinden wanneer ze die informatie zou willen sturen naar mijn e-mail adres omdat ik niet zo vaak kijk op de Celeste website.

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