Geen prijs “Art Photography Awards 2018”

Net een berichtje in de mailbox ontvangen dat de foto’s die door waren ingestuurd voor de Art Photography Awards 2018 niet in de prijzen zijn gevallen.
De mail is wel erg netjes opgesteld:

The LensCulture Team

Dear Tjeerd –
Thank you again for entering the Art Photography Awards 2018.

We were amazed to see the huge number of photographers who participated—coming from more than 133 countries around the world! This presented a significant challenge for our panel of judges, who had to narrow down the entries to just 6 winners, 7 Jurors’ Picks and 25 finalists. I’m sorry to say that your submission was not chosen by the jury this year. We will be announcing the winners this week, but we wanted to notify you in advance.

We are grateful for your participation in the Art Photography Awards 2018 and want to remind you that your contributions are the best way to help us discover exciting new work and share it with the world. Please be assured: even though you were not chosen as one of the top winners, this does not mean we think your photos are not good! Because of the limited number of spots for winners and finalists, a lot of truly excellent submissions could not be chosen for the final cut made by the judges.

During the competition, we made our best efforts to maximize exposure for these hundreds of top-notch entries. While the Awards were open, 441 photos were selected by LensCulture editors for the Competition Gallery and were viewed more than 1.6 million times on LensCulture. We also posted 131 photos of those editor-selected submissions to our Facebook page and reached approximately 8.9 million photography lovers during the competition.

We are also happy to remind you that each participant who submitted a series or 5+ single images is eligible to receive a free review of their work, written by a photo industry professional. This valuable critical feedback is designed to help photographers of all levels move forward creatively and professionally in their careers. Our deadline to finish these reviews is October 2018, but we are likely to get them all completed and sent out sooner.

We would like to re-iterate our gratitude for your participation in the Art Photography Awards 2018 and for the time you spent preparing your work. We hope you continue being an active member of LensCulture’s global community of photographers—best of luck out there!

Best wishes to you,

The LensCulture Team

In de e-mail wordt ook nog gesproken over de review die gegeven kan worden wanneer er meer dan 5 foto’s waren ingezonden.
Deze review heb ik eind vorige maand al mogen ontvangen.

De winnende “foto’s”  zijn te zien op de website van LensCulture. Foto’s tussen aanhalingstekens want de winnende foto’s zijn naar mijn idee niet echt foto’s meer, maar manipulaties van foto’s. Misschien heb ik dan toch niet goed de opdracht gelezen?