Art Productions New York heeft nu al overleg gehad en is erg enthousiast

Vanmorgen opende ik de e-mail van Art Productions New York die vannacht was gestuurd. En men is erg enthousiast over het werk van Studio Tjeerd!

Dat blijkt uit het schrijven van de Director of Special Events and Art Fairs Curator van Art Productions New York:
I have just finished a meeting with some of the creative connection curators. Your works and your working with us was very much a focus of our discussion. It highlighted a wonderful response and enthusiasm about your art. At the moment I can imagine that you are debating the different options we provide and reviewing the project outlines, all of which I do hope I have provided with great clarity and you will be able to come to a decision and confirmation soon!

In view of the enthusiasm and feedback to your art  being so powerful, I thought this email will give us a chance to touch base and move forward while there is so much focal interest in your work while you decide over the next few days. The level of interest from the curators is certainly exciting, but for me not surprising, it would therefore be a perfect time to move forward in getting your submission of images expanded on, your profile and feature on Art Productions active and our working together to be formalized. 

Once again I would like to mention that there is an  option which allows you to work with our digital representation network for a very small cost of $199.

Our team has requested the submission of your agreement  as soon as possible, along with additionally 10 works from you. We will need to know the availability of these works along with pricing for purchase and sale.

Here at Art Productions we feel that  when the response and feedback to an artists vision is so powerful it is essential to begin the connection to sales and pricing in order that we do not  miss opportunities and connections.

Of course I am eager to work with you on any of the possible production options and hope you can let me know your thoughts and feedback as soon as possible.

For our next step, I will be very grateful if you would complete the agreement and email back your confirmation, stating your chosen option level.

Many thanks  for all your time and  attention also for allowing us to share in the excitement and talent of your works. Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.

Hoewel het enthousiasme aanstekelijk werkt (ik zou liegen als ik zou zeggen dat dat niet zo was), zie ik het ook als een commerciële poging om mij snel in de boot te krijgen. Daarnaast speelt hierbij ook de Amerikaanse cultuur een rol waarbij men vaak veel uitbundiger reageert dan in Nederland het geval is.

Hoe dan ook lijkt het er toch sterk op dat ze bij Art Productions New York wel brood zien in het werk wat Studio Tjeerd levert. Ik wil de beslissing echter niet overhaasten en eerst alles volledig duidelijk hebben.

Wordt vervolgd.

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