Vandaag kreeg ik uitgebreid antwoord op mijn vragen met betrekking tot het voorstel dat MAD Gallery Milaan mij heeft gedaan voor het volgende kalenderjaar.
Beide curatoren hebben de moeite genomen om vanuit hun eigen oogpunt een antwoord te geven op mijn vragen en bedenkingen die ik hen begin deze maand had gestuurd.
De antwoorden worden gegeven vanuit de zakelijke en commerciële kant, iets wat duidelijk nog niet mijn mindset is.
Een kleine samenvatting van de antwoorden:
“I understand your perplexities and I am very sensitive to the problem.
First of all I would like to point out that, in your style of photography, and in your professionalism, there is no mistake, no flaw.
We all need to challenge ourselves and “weigh” our goals, from time to time, through public opinion.
The results as you see, arrive: your models, I assume they are proud of being exhibited in a prestigious gallery in Milan, and for them the doors to success will open up more and more
This must be the first strong point on which to focus a marketing strategy. The visibility that your models get through your photos around the world is enormous, and this has a price and therefore if seen as an investment on your part, must return as a future gain.
This proposal creates a new and exciting commercial scenario.
Clearly, from that moment, you will be much more busy promoting and working for this new reality to become a great source of income.
You will also need to take into consideration that the material you will be exhibit at our Milan gallery, in order for your requests to be fulfilled, should also be carried out at the international casting offices and in the various advertising and fashion agencies.
In M.A.D. we take care of consecrating art through our hard work, we are not simply an exhibition gallery, you know, we are technical and we decode the language of every artist from all over the world.”
“We focus our attention on needs of artists trying to “build” for them high visibility all around the world, we try to offer always new projects, new idea, to be innovative, to do something new. In fact, during this period with us, you have not only exhibition in location on set-up but we design magazine, we studied 36h…..I mean, lot of opportunities to increase scenarios and consequently, coverage at international level. Many galleries or curators just hang up pieces on walls, maybe in beautiful palace, but nothing more, stop, no advertising, no promotion, no continuity, just an event of few days. And ask high fee. I know this. In this way it is easy to invest a lot but to collect little.
You have material, Milan is Milan, you have all prerequisites for presenting and proposing you with pride and determination.
You are not a stranger. Or one who puts a photo in a pub. You are present in Milan, in permanent exhibition, you are present in an international magazine with included excellences in all fields, you have and will have critics. All these things must be your business card.
When you contact new models, you have to show how they can appear (monitors, Milan, magazine, invitations) in order to make them understand the difference between you and another.
You pay, it’s true, and for this reason you have to take full advantage of it. We can provide you with all the material in the world, but you really need to be aware of it and make it profitable. There are artists who join just to be able to put in the curriculum that exhibit in Milan with us, because they know well that the city has prominence, the name too.”
Genoeg “food for thought” voor een paar dagen.
Wordt vervolgd.
Eerdere berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D. Gallery:
Twee nieuwe foto’s digitaal geëxposeerd
Vragen over voorstel MAD Gallery voor 2019
MAD Gallery polst me voor 2019
36 uurs digitale solo-expositie
Nu twaalf foto’s digitaal geëxposeerd
Moda Arte Design Gallery selecteert 7 foto’s
“Critical review” ontvangen
Certificaat van deelname ontvangen
“Live” foto’s
Digitale expositie een feit!
Merel (0123-bw) als vijfde foto geselecteerd
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Terra (0111) als vierde foto geselecteerd
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Twee foto’s Claartje geselecteerd
Tweede set foto’s van Claartje ingestuurd
Pien (0504) als eerste geselecteerd
Eerste set foto’s van Pien ingestuurd
Alle vragen beantwoord (2)
Alle vragen beantwoord (1)
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