Inzending Art Productions New York goedgekeurd!

“Using a fresh and modern palette, you are really able to create a new vision within photographic portraits – it is modern and also timeless.” Deze zin staat te lezen in de uitgebreide e-mail waarin de curator van Art Productions New York aangeeft dat de ingestuurde foto’s goedgekeurd zijn.

Thank you so much for the submission! I am incredibly excited, and I want to first of all thank you for the extensive and impressive submission you made to our curators and team. I didn’t doubt that it was going to impress them and speak to their own ideas, and curatorial concepts, but I’m even more pleased it did so in such an immediate and layered way. We review and consider all submissions very intensively so I hope you understand the window of time taken before I replied. As I already mentioned the theme of our next cycle of projects and curatorial program does very much connect with your work and speaks to your work both in energy and scope. I very much hope you will agree and see the excitement and opportunity of connecting your work to a wider and more focused audience.

I’m so pleased to also add that you can now even see your work looking incredibly dynamic and strong on our site. Please go to
As you can see your work is already listed and looks wonderful. You can also see it in our featured artist gallery: 

The feedback from the curators and their wish to have your work placed on the site so fast really highlighted a wonderful response and enthusiasm about your art.
Using a fresh and modern palette, you are really able to create a new vision within photographic portraits – it is modern and also timeless.

Seeing the way you show your subjects, Tjeerd, it is layered, lyrical, euphoric yet pensive energy going far beyond a portrait picture. Our curators love the way your shots create multi-dimensional perspectives and angles shown- the women, they radiate!”

Lovende woorden dus naar aanleiding van de ingestuurde foto’s.
De goedkeuring is er dus en men heeft al een pagina aangemaakt op de website.

Voor het vervolg vraagt men mij om meer foto’s (minimaal 10) door te sturen die op de website komen te staan, alsmede voor welk project ik wil gaan intekenen.
“All the team here at Art Productions is looking forward to working with you! “

Wordt vervolgd.

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