Tweede recensie Moda Arte Design Gallery Milaan ontvangen

Een verrassing via de e-mail van M.A.D. Gallery uit Milaan met een nieuwe recensie of “critical review” over de foto’s die op dit moment digitaal in Milaan tentoon worden gesteld.

De recensie is geschreven door Art Curator Denise Lattanzio.
Hierin schrijft ze onder andere dat de foto’s haar, qua belichting, doen denken aan de beroemde Amerikaanse fotograaf Steve McCurry en wordt dat onderstreept door de driekwart poses.
Verder vergelijkt ze de emoties die de portretten oproepen met die van de Japanse fotograaf Domon Ken.
Verder bestempelt ze me als een hedendaagse Modigliani.

Het voelt als een grote eer wanneer een curator bovenstaande bekende en minder bekende kunstenaars noemt in vergelijking met het werk wat ik lever.

Het voert te ver om de tekst helemaal te vertalen, maar de volledige recensie is op drie manieren te bekijken: middels alleen de tekst (dus zonder foto’s hieronder), op de website van Moda Arte Design Gallery zelf (op de website even naar beneden scrollen) en via  ISSUU (de link volgt na de tekst).

In Tjeerd Doosje’s photographs is perceived an atmosphere of delicacy and harmony that transcends reality. In his representation of the female figure ranges from the gracefulness of childhood to the
audacious representation of the femme fatale but always respecting their interiority.

Respecting what the woman is really beyond the dress, the headgear or the background to catch the primordial essence of a child who hides behind makeup. An exaltation of the female soul then that is captured and conveyed by the model’s eyes, eyes that testify to the spiritual in their position as silent interlocutors of the observer.
Eyes that transform the protagonist subject of the shots into a modern angel woman, which enhances the user’s soul and fills the heart and soul with lukewarm joy. A spirituality of the gaze that becomes salvation if one abandons itself to it.

Tjeerd Doosje is then transformed into a contemporary Modigliani
that seeks, through photography, to grasp the motions of the soul of the models to repeat them to the viewer giving a complete and engaging vision that drags inside, in a world of sensitivity and weakness that transforms, in necessary time, into overwhelming force.

In his photos, Tjeerd Doosje represents the lost ingenuity that becomes transcendental, immobile. A naivety that is lost with growth, which is necessarily abandoned to enter into adult life but in its photographs is blocked in an instant, inside a soap bubble that turns into the memory of a dream thanks to the bright effect which recalls the light of the shots of Steve McCurry underlined by the three-quarter poses.

They are photographs that represent the exaltation of beauty proposing models that become a symbol, an icon, of mute divinity who become the bearers of the most intimate part of childhood to which every person observes letting himself be lulled by memories brought to light by the moment. A sensitivity of the portrait that recalls the photographs of children of Domon Ken, linked to the idea of childhood lost due to the war that, in the shots of Tjeerd Doosje, is transformed into immobility of the same, a naivety that remains anchored to a look in his transcending time.

Al eerder hadden de curatoren, Alessandra Magni en Carlo Greco, van M.A.D. Gallery een critical review geschreven.

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Alle vragen beantwoord (1)
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