Benodigdheden International Mantova ArtExpo 2019 opgestuurd

Vandaag heb ik de benodigdheden (inschrijfformulier, inschrijfgeld en bio) voor de internationale kunstexpositie Mantova ArtExpo 2019 in Italië opgestuurd, waarmee de expositie een feit is geworden.

Voor deze kunstexpositie had ik eind vorige maand al de uitnodiging gekregen. De organisatoren van deze happening hadden nog een ingelijste foto van mij in bezit die eerder vorig jaar tentoon was gesteld tijdens de Biennial of Nations in Venetië. Het is dus vrij logisch dat deze foto ook weer tentoon gesteld wordt op de aankomende kunstbeurs.

Het gaat om de foto Pien (0504) die gedurende de kunstbeurs van 8 tot en met 16 juni in het Italiaanse wordt geëxposeerd.

Er werd voor de inschrijving ook gevraagd om een bio mee te sturen en daarin is het gebruikelijk om aan te geven wat je tot nu toe bereikt hebt. Op zo’n moment kom je tot de ontdekking wat er eigenlijk allemaal al is gebeurd in een paar jaar tijd:

In November 2017 he received the Andrea Mantegna Prize (Mantova, Italy), in January 2018 he received the Leonardo da Vinci Prize (Florence, Italy), in March 2018 he received the Prize of Nations (Venice, Italy), in May 2018 he received the International Prize Raffaello (Bologna, Italy), in December 2018 he received the International Prize Caravaggio (Milan, Italy) and in February 2019 he received the International Prize Botticelli (Florence, Italy) and the International Prize Velázquez (Barcelona, Spain); all for his merits. He also received in January 2019 the M.A.D.S. Critics Award (Milan, Italy).
His photos were digitally exhibited in the Louvre (Paris, France, 2015), The Centre of Contemporary Culture Puertas de Castilla (Murcia, Spain, 2014), Moda Arte Gallery (Milan, Italy, December 2017- November 2018 and from June 2018 – August 2019), at the 13th ArteFiera Dolomiti (Treviso, Italy, 2018), at the Kunsthaus (Weiz, Austria, 13 april – 5 May 2018), at the Barchessa Villa Quaglia (Treviso, Italy, 11 – 31 May 2018), at the Biennale di Venezia (Venice, Italy, 28 August – 11 September 2018) and again at the Barchessa Villa Quaglia (Treviso, Italy, 15 – 27 September 2018), at the 14th ArteFiera Dolomiti (Treviso, Italy, 2019), Art Expo New York (New York, United States of America, 4 – 7 April 2019), Leonardo da Vinci – The Tribute (Milan, Italy, 9 – 30 April 2019) and during entire 2019 in the M.A.D.S. Gallery in Milan, Italy.

One of his photos was finalist in the Celeste Contemporary Art Prize 2016 and was therefore exhibited in the O.X.O. Tower Wharf, London.
He also have exhibited in the Biennale of Nations (Venice, Italy, March 16th – 19th 2018), during Petritoli incontra l’Arte (Petritoli, Italy, July 7th – 29th 2018), in Le Carrousel du Louvre (Paris, France, October 19th – 21st 2018), Art Expo New York (4 – 7 April 2019) and during entire 2019 in the P.A.K.S. Gallery (Austria and Germany).
One of his photos was finalist in The Global Art Awards 2018 (Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, November 21st, 2018).

His photos have been or will be published in several art books and magazines:
“The Exposure Award: The Portraiture Collection”, 2015
“Summer Arts Prize 2016”, Lacey Contemporary Londen, 2016
“Inspiration: International Art Book” (2016, 2017, 2018)
“International Contemporary Artists” Art Book, 2017
“Circle Quarterly Magazine”, Autumn, 2017
“Art International Contemporary Magazine”, September/October 2017
“Contemporary Art Curator Magazine”, 2017,2018
“Circle Spotlight Magazine”, 2017
“artMADzine”, volume 2, 2018
“First Berliner Art Book” (2018, 2019, 2020)
“Art International Contemporary Magazine”, January/February 2018
“Art International Contemporary Magazine”, May/June 2018
“Art International Contemporary Magazine”, November/December 2018
“Art International Contemporary Magazine”, January/February 2019
“artMADzine”, volume 4, 2019

Deze expositie zal er bij een volgende bio aan kunnen worden toegevoegd.

Nu op naar begin juni!

Wordt vervolgd.

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