Zes foto’s ingestuurd voor expositie “Breakout”, Milaan

Vanavond zijn zes foto’s ingestuurd voor het aankomende evenement “Breakout” die georganiseerd wordt door de Milanese M.A.D.S. Gallery.

Het is de zesde digitale expositie dit jaar dat wordt georganiseerd door M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano en zal van 17 juli tot en met 31 juli in Milaan te zien zijn.

De tekst in de officiële Press Release is:
“In 1984 Arthur Danto published an essay called “The End of Art” where he wrote about “the end of an art history that evolves in a rational form” and the crisis of the traditional concept of Art, without an objective definition. Nowadays, the artistic development no longer proceeds in a linear and unidirectional way, there is no single contemporary art and not even a predominant trend. All the expressions become free, without being considered in relation to a specific trend. It is no longer possible to talk about Avant- garde or artistic movements. After the advent of the Avant- garde, the Neo-Avant-garde and the Trans-Avantgarde that changed the traditional system, we are now in the age of Anti-Avant-garde. The beginning of the new millennium promotes the encounter between tradition and innovation, mixed techniques, hybrid works, born in the real world and projected into the virtual world. How has the way we create and communicate changed? The exhibition experiments a new way of looking at art, in which the key word is “freedom”. A freedom that comes back to life after a period of captivity and negativity in the past months and that feels the need to re-emerge. Each artist works in a subjective way, giving a personal interpretation of his creativity in thought, in form, in technique, telling his own existential condition in relation to the current historical context. Works never seen, kept hidden, set aside, waiting for the right moment to reborn from one of the darkest periods for humanity and witness the dawn of a new age.

“The art that we must learn to understand […] is the art after the end of art, that reflects our age, where everything coexists with the pluralism of art. […] We live in a condition of freedom never experienced, or perhaps never imagined before. ” (Arthur Danto)

M.A.D.S. launches the “BREAKOUT” project to find a new beginning with the artists, looking to the future, aiming at experimentation and the potential of technology. A research that starts from a careful analysis of marketing strategies, where what matters is knowing how to emerge and turn your ideas into a product. The period when silence reigned in the real world and chaos reigned in the virtual world represented the starting point for a broader reflection on Art as communicative language.

Each work is an important word that must be said at the right time and in the right way. For this reason, everyday a team of professionals analyses works never seen before, with particular attention to meaning, timing and current trends on the art system. M.A.D.S. offers the opportunity to show unpublished works and seduce art lovers through the charm of revelation.

An innovative and international project, realized in a period of changes still underway and that believes in the revolutionary power of Art.”

Voor deze expositie zijn zes foto’s ingestuurd, waarbij ook drie foto’s die nog niet eerder gepubliceerd zijn op deze website.

Het is nu nog de vraag of de ingestuurde foto’s ook daadwerkelijk in de expositie zullen worden opgenomen. Daarover buigen de curatoren zich nu, maar ik verwacht eerlijk gezegd niet dat één of meer foto’s het niet tot de expositie zullen brengen.

Inmiddels zijn er al de nodige foto’s in expositie geweest in Milaan, zoals te zien is op mijn persoonlijke pagina van M.A.D.S. Milano.

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Gallery: volg deze link.