Catalogus en recensie “20.20” ontvangen

Na elke expositie van de M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano verschijnt er een catalogus met foto’s van alle kunstwerken die in de expositie getond zijn. Daarbij wordt er ook per kunstenaar een recensie geschreven van het ingestuurde werk. De catalogus en recensie van de expositie “20.20” trof ik vandaag aan in de e-mail.

De recensie is deze keer geschreven door art curator Silvia Grassi die in dienst is bij de M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano.

Voor wat betreft de catalogus, beperk ik me op deze website tot de pagina’s waarop de ingezonden foto’s van Studio Tjeerd worden besproken en getoond.

“A front light, a rear light and another side light”, as Nadar defines, in the second half of the nineteenth century, the photographic portrait technique.
Thus, as a surrogate of the pictorial portrait, it was born a more accessible version, not only in economic terms, but also in terms of time.
Having a photographic portrait made meant to capture an important moment, a special occasion.
But soon the most demanding public began to look for something more than a simple representation of the subject: more intriguing poses, studied shots, details, less attention to portraying reality and greater interest instead in the expressiveness of the subject.
The ultimate purpose of the photographic portrait was no longer simply to freeze time in a memory, but rather to celebrate oneself, one’s identity, create a work of art like a pictorial portrait.
And it is still so today!

An exceptional example are the works of art that the Dutch photographer Tjeerd Doosje manages to create with the shots in which he portrays his wonderful baby models.
In each of his shots Tjeerd captures the timeless beauty of the girls.
The viewer cannot help but not look away from the protagonist of the shot.

In the photograph entitled “Teline (1005-bw)” the asymmetry of the shot and the natural pose of the model create dynamism. The shadows accentuated by black and white instead give movement to the entire composition.

Instead the shot entitled “Teline (1126)” is characterized by the perfect division in the middle of the frame: clean and geometric lines contrast with dense and interlaced lines.
With her dress that recalls the nuances of the composition, the baby model Teline is the element of union in two visions.

In the photograph “Teline (1304-bw)”, Teline is the undisputed protagonist of the shot, captures all our attention, nothing can make us look away from her, thanks also to the contrast between the almost totally white background and the dark dress, that she wears.

“I’m looking for truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect shape of a shell on the beach, in the curve of a female back, in the consistency of an old tree trunk and also in other elusive forms of reality”
(Isabel Allende)

Art curator Silvia Grassi

De expositie is nog steeds virtueel te bezoeken via de speciale pagina op de website van M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano.

Dit jaar zijn de nodige foto’s in expositie geweest in Milaan, zoals te zien is op mijn persoonlijke pagina van M.A.D.S. Milano.

Eerdere berichten over deze expositie:
Vandaag laatste dag expositie “20.20”
Vandaag start expositie “20.20”
Drie foto’s in expositie “20.20”

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Gallery: volg deze link.