Catalogus digitale expositie “Mater” ontvangen

Via de e-mail kreeg ik de catalogus en review van de internationale expositie “Mater” die nog tot en met aankomende vrijdag in de M.A.D.S. Milano Gallery  te zien is.

De catalogus bevat de foto’s van de ingezonden kunstwerken van alle kunstenaars die aan de Award hebben meegedaan. Daarnaast schrijft één van de art curators van de M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano een review van het ingezonden werk.

Ik beperk me tot de pagina’s in de catalogus waarop de foto’s van Studio Tjeerd zijn opgenomen.

That of Tjeerd Doosje’s work is a story about revenge against the sufferings of life, against injustices, a hymn of maternal love.
The photos portray a little girl depicted with a serene expression who is shyly and with extreme tenderness turning her gaze directly to the viewer.
The representation of the child is an eternal reminder of the innocence of childhood, a reference to that phase of life that adulthood can only remember with nostalgia.
For the artist, being a mother means giving shape to a love that previously was never believed to exist.
When a woman takes her child in her arms, she seals a pact with him.
Quietly, almost whispering, she promises that she will do everything she can to make him a happy person, to protect him from suffering and support him in all life choices, every day of his existence.

At the same time, however, the son, only by existing, becomes a primary source of happiness for the mother.
The artist himself told the story about the photos: “I was thinking of a girl being mother’s special child, because she’s the only girl she got. She’s also go an older son but he is physically handicapped.”
So, in this case, through the representation of an instant, the artist wanted to represent the sacrifices of a painful life, the suffering, but also the revenge, the happiness, the love of a mother for a daughter which is all hidden in the eyes of that little girl represented in the photos.

“Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you can look out upon a stupendous prospect.
For what has happened?
A miracle.
You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything.”
(William Macneile Dixon)

Art curator Lorenza Traina

De foto’s nog tot en met 27 november a.s. te zien in de Milanese M.A.D.S. Gallery in Italië.

Inmiddels zijn er al de nodige foto’s in expositie geweest in Milaan, zoals te zien is op mijn persoonlijke pagina van M.A.D.S. Milano.

Eerdere berichten over deze expositie:
Filmpje foto’s in expositie
Vandaag start “Mater”
Twee foto’s in expositie

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Gallery: volg deze link.