Catalogus digitale expositie “Fable” ontvangen

Via de e-mail kreeg ik de catalogus en review van de internationale expositie “Fable” die afgelopen maand in de M.A.D.S. Milano Gallery  te zien is geweest.

De catalogus bevat de foto’s van de ingezonden kunstwerken van alle kunstenaars die aan de expositie hebben meegedaan. Daarnaast schrijft één van de art curators van de M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano een review van het ingezonden werk.

Ik beperk me tot de pagina’s in de catalogus waarop de foto’s van Studio Tjeerd zijn opgenomen.

In every era, fairy tales were invented to tell children: now they have become a symbol of the innocence and sweetness of children, just like the face depicted in the shots of photographer Tjeerd Doosje.

So, among the faces of Tjeerd we find Fay, in the shot entitled “Fay (0114)”, who like a contemporary Alice wondering what could be on the other side of the mirror. Alice manages to get past him, and Fay? She will learn to look beyond that mirror, to look beyond the external image of herself, to be able to look inside and discover herself every day.

Then we find Merlin, in “Merlin (0107)”, a modern Little Red Riding Hood, who looks at us intently, transmitting the sweetness and purity of every child, who tends her gaze to those around her and seeks comfort in him.

The we see Emily, who in the shot “Emily (0201)”, Tjeerd depicts her lost but happy in a forest, a place par excellence where you get lost but only to find yourself better than before. Emily is also the protagonist of the shot “Emily (0207)” in which we can only make out her silhouette, but she seems to face the dark with confidence.

Finally, Rona, in the shot “Rona (0304)”, listens to the waves of the sea by approaching a large shell to her ear, thinking of a distant place that makes her dream.

Tjeerd has the ability to reveal, through the expressions of the faces and the pose that the models take, their personality, their way of being in some ways still little girls, living in the world of fairy tales, but for others already projected towards the world of reality.

Art Curator Silvia Grassi

De expositie was te zien van 4 tot en met 18 december en werd getoond op een flink aantal beeldschermen in de galerie zelf, zoals al in een eerdere post was te zien.

De expositie is nog steeds virtueel te bezoeken via de speciale pagina op de website van M.A.D.S. Gallery Milano.

Dit jaar zijn de nodige foto’s in expositie geweest in Milaan, zoals te zien is op mijn persoonlijke pagina van M.A.D.S. Milano.

Eerdere berichten over deze expositie:
Vandaag laatste dag expositie
Zo ziet de digitale expositie er uit
Vandaag start digitale expositie
Vijf foto’s in expositie

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