Antwoord van Artifact Gallery in Manhattan, New York

Eerder dan verwacht, want het is per slot van rekening Eerste Kerstdag, ontving ik een antwoord terug van Artifact Gallery op de e-mail die ik vanmorgen had gestuurd.

In de e-mail van vanmorgen vroeg ik om een bevestiging dat de e-mail en de aanbieding om werk te exposeren niet onder het kopje scam gerangschikt moest worden.

De contactpersoon reageert dus zelfs op Eerste Kerstdag en ook vanaf het Artifact e-mail adres.
Het lijkt er dus op dat dit geen scam is en met wat er in het antwoord staat, lijkt het ook veelbelovend.
Allereerst maakt de contactpersoon min of meer een excuus over de slechte (qua layout) eerste e-mail.

“Dear Tjeerd,

Thank you for your interest.
There must be some issue with formatting in transit.
We certainly will be pleased to hold your physical or digital exhibition
at our gallery, at art fairs in New York, LA, Miami, Monaco and at a museum exhibition in South Korea. 
In the last 25 years we have represented and exhibited many American and international artists.
The work of some of these artists may be found 
in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Canada and many other institutions.
Artifact holds several solo exhibitions simultaneously. 
Each show is presented and promoted as a solo exhibition in separate gallery rooms.
As many museums and galleries in Manhattan, we schedule 
exhibitions in advance.
Currently, we are scheduling for 2024.
The pandemic will be resolved by then and the market will bounce back.
Artifact covers essential exhibition expenses related to the following:
1. Exhibition room (3.6×5.5 m / 12×18 feet), its maintenance and attendance during a 3-week exhibition.
2. Gallery assistance in co-ordination of the exhibition, installation and de-installation.
3. Art storage for artwork kept on consignment.
4. Opening reception, including wine and a bartender for a 2-hour reception.
5. Printing of color invitations to the opening reception;
6. Distribution of invitations.
7. Gallery sales commission is 25%.
8. $50,000.00 (fifty thousand USD) insurance for artwork on consignment.
There is no fee for the exhibition space.
Overall, the gallery spends over $40,000.00 USD per month to make exhibitions of our artists possible. 
To further promote an exhibition in in a competitive New York art market, artists consider additional marketing options which require funding. 
These marketing activities include the following:
1. Exhibition Catalog: Full production (graphic design, printing, delivery to the gallery) of a 24 page color catalog (11″x8″/28x20cm) featuring 
12 artworks of the artist and related information; distribution to the select list of art critics and curators. $15 per book (100 to 500 books). 
Please note that there are over 300 contacts in our list of the International Association of Art Critics.
2. Catalog Essay written by a a professional New York based art critic ($1200);
3. Advertising in ARTERY – one of the world’s most comprehensive art news portals
ARTERY is a marketing choice 
of major art museums and institutions, including MoMA, Brooklyn Museum, New Museum, The Andy Warhol Museum, International Center of Photography, Jewish Museum, Japan Society and others.
It is a marketing tool for major luxury brands, such as Mercedes, Saks 5th Avenue,
St. Regis Hotel. Advertising includes a one month banner and one full year artist’s profile in ARTERY Registry ($1500);
4. Public Relations
A. Extensive multimedia campaign and requests to include the artist’s name and work in the editorial content in print and online media, including: NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsday, Time Out New York, New York magazine, Village Voice, New York Observer, Daily News, New York Post, Huffington Post, Paper Magazine, WNBC, WABC, WCBS, Bloomberg, Artnet, Artforum, ARTNews, The Art Newspaper, Artinfo, Modern Painters, Art in America, ARTNewsletter, Manhattan Arts International, Art Journal, ArtNews, Brooklyn Rail.
B. Securing a minimum of one review about Artist’s work in the media;
C. Requests for participation of the Artist in exhibitions at selected museums, including the Metropolitan Museum, MoMA, Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the New Museum.
D. Compiling /distribution of press-packages (press-release, invitation, catalog if produced) among collectors, critics, curators ($4000 A, B, C, D).
Artists may select any combination of marketing options which meet their goals and budget.
When they are unable to cover related expenses 
we seek sponsorship.
For the gallery latest please check our Facebook page where Artifact has the highest rating of 5 stars and follow our 
social media listed bellow. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.
Stay well and have a good day!”

Dat is een hoop om over na te denken.
Van wat ik nu uit de e-mail destilleer is dat er geen kosten verbonden zijn aan een drie weken durende solo-expositie in de galerie.
Mocht er een foto verkocht worden, dan vraagt de Artifact Gallery 25% van de verkoopprijs; dat is hun verdienmodel.

Wat ik echter niet zo goed begrijp zijn de genummerde mogelijkheden met bij behorende prijskaartjes.
Betekent het dat de expositie gratis is, maar dat je één of meerdere genoemde aanvullende diensten moet afnemen om daadwerkelijk geëxposeerd te worden?
Daar hangen immers flinke prijskaartjes aan.
In feite gaat het bij de aanvullende diensten om promotie van het werk dat in expositie is, maar deze is wel veelomvattend.

Zoals hierboven al geschreven is: veel om over na te denken.
Dat ga ik dan ook maar doen.

Wordt vervolgd!

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