Antwoord op vragen aan Monat Gallery, Madrid

Eind december had ik een aantal vragen gemaild aan de contactpersoon van de Monat Gallery in Madrid (Spanje) met betrekking tot een eventuele samenwerking, maar het bleek dat de galerie vanaf dat moment tot en met vandaag was gesloten.
Vandaag kreeg ik de antwoorden op mijn vragen.
Het antwoord kwam in de vorm van een soort vraag en antwoord spel en die zal ik hieronder dan ook herhalen:

Am I right that we eventually bring down the portfolio to four photos of which two will be for the (UN)Fair artfair and two others will be for an exhibition in the gallery (for 30 days)? Or can these be the same (for whatever reason)?
The portfolio should be a unique portfolio of your available works (that you wish to submit).
From this portfolio, we will choose 4 artworks (2 for Milan and 2 for the group exhibition).

When signing the representation contract, the gallery will showcase my work during the (UN)Fair artfair (5 days in February) and during a group exhibiton (30 days). In total time that’s just a bit more than a month. But we’ll sign for a collaboration for one year. What will the gallery do for me in the leftover months (rounded off to 11 months).
Your artwork will be presented to the gallery’s client and collector portfolio and will be included on the Monat Gallery website for its maximum visibility and online sale.
We are actually working on an agreement with 2 art platforms for online sellings and we commit to follow-up your new artworks and counseling in order to present it in future exhibitions and apply to international fairs, throughout all the year of the collaboration. 

When a photo might be sold during the group exhibition, will this photo still be in the exhibition or does the gallery switch with a photo that was not yet in the exhibition?
We would switch.

When a group exhibition has been planned and due to possible corona restrictions (lock down) it will not be able to open the gallery, will the exhibition be postponed or canceled (that is: the exhibition will never take place during the contract year)? The same goes for the (UN)Fair artfair.
For the fair, you have the clause on the contract that as the organization is a third party, if they cancel or postpone, you have your fee guaranteed to participate in another fair or in the same fair, reprogrammed.
Also, we didn’t have any restrictions but I can tell, the exhibitions are keeped for longer time or postponed to guarantee one month exhibition at the gallery.

How big does the gallery estimate the chance that a photo or photos will actually be sold?
Same of a painting.
We have the 20-25% of selling percentage.
Of course, we cannot guarantee sellings.

In your previous email, you ask, for making the personal contract, for an ID-number. I hope you understand that I’m a bit hesitant about that, considering the privacy and the possibility of data leaks. Could you specify me why you, beside the personal contract, need that particular information? And how does the gallery protect the data? A6.
It is a standard.
Without a valid identification document, any contract is invalid. 

When the contract year is over, is there a possibility to add another year and is there perhaps a discount for the following year?
Normally the direction offers a discount; in fact, we are preparing a Monaco art fair and if you would like to participate in both, the fee would be reduced.

Volgens mij zijn de vragen netjes beantwoord en ook duidelijk beantwoord.
Gezien de dingen die er nu allemaal op me af komen, wil ik een en ander nog even laten bezinken.
De samenwerking lijkt mij een gunstige.
Met het idee van dat er tussen de 20 en 25% van de kunstwerken (genoemd worden de schilderijen) worden verkocht, zou het mogelijk moeten zijn om tenminste één foto te verkopen.

Het zal dan van het prijskaartje dat aan de foto hangt – en waarover overleg zal worden gevoerd met de galerie – of deze samenwerking uiteindelijk lucratief gaat worden.

Wordt vervolgd

Eerdere berichten van Monat Gallery:
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Vragen aan de galerie
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