Voor 2e keer gehonoreerd met International Prize Caravaggio (Italië)

Voor de tweede keer in successie word ik gehonoreerd met de internationale prijs Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art. Tenminste, dat bleek uit de e-mail die ik vanmorgen ontving.

Het is inmiddels de 15e internationale prijs die ik in ontvangst zal mogen gaan nemen.  Hieronder ook, en nu voor de tweede keer, de Carravagio prijs die mij in 2018 door dezelfde curatoren/organisatie werd toegekend.
Over goed een week zou ik, van dezelfde organisatie, de Leonardo da Vinci prijs in ontvangst mogen nemen, ware het niet dat ik niet in de gelegenheid ben om naar Florence af te reizen.

In ieder geval ontving ik onderstaande e-mail:

Dear Tjeerd,

I am very proud to award you with the International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art.

The Prize is for the Artists that are worth for their artistic merit.

You will be awarded on April 20th, 2022, inside the Sala del Cenacolo of the National Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo Da Vinci” – Milano
The 7th of December, is a very important day for the city of Milan and the Milanese, and is the feast of St. Ambrose, patron saint of the city.

If the artist will not be present at the awards ceremony, the prize will be sent home.

It is one of the most prestigious art awards awarded in the heart of Milano.

Important celebrities from the world of culture will be present at the ceremony and the talented artists will be awarded with an important prize for their careers.

In the March/April number of the magazine Art International Contemporary, we will realize an introductive piece dedicated to Caravaggio’s artistic talent; following to the piece the publication of the selected artist’s artworks.

The National Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci” is based in Milan; opened in 1953, with its total 50,000m² it is the largest technical-scientific museum in Italy and one of the largest in Europe.
It has the largest collection in the world of machine models made from drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. It is visited by over 500,000 people a year.
The collections count 16,000 historical assets and include representative evidence of the history of Italian science, technology and industry from the 19th century to the present day.
In its 14 interactive workshops activities are carried out that follow the educational method based on informal education.
The museum collaborates with the main European and world science museums and since 2003 is a member of ECSITE (European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions).

The prize is given to those artists who has been chosen by Mr. Salvatore Russo and Francesco Saverio Russo.

The artist will have:
– A page into the magazine Art International Contemporary Magazine of March/April in the section “International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art”.
– A page into the official catalogue of the event “International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art”.
– Conferment of the the International Award “International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art” (precious customized trophy).
– A copy of the art magazine “Art International Contemporary Magazine”.
– A copy of the catalog “International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art”

De prijsuitreiking vindt dit keer plaats in een science museum dat, zoals ik het nu in de omschrijving lees, op NEMO in Amsterdam.

De deadline voor insturen van een foto is 15 maart 2022.
Het is even lastig in te schatten of ik hier aan mee zal doen en bovenal of er wel een geschikte foto voor deze prijs is.

Meer info volgt op een later moment.