New York Weekly besteedt aandacht aan ATIM’s Top 60 Masters

De New York Weekly heeft eind mei een artikel in de digitale variant van de krant gewijd aan de ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Award en noemt deze prijs opnieuw “The Oscars of the Visual Art”.

Het volledige artikel is te lezen op de website van de New York Weekly.

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The Oscars of the Visual Arts: ArtTour International Magazine to Hold the ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Awards on June 17, 2022

The modern art world is filled with talented artists who pour their heart and soul into their works of art. These artists work non-stop to express themselves and send a message with every piece they craft. So, it is only right to give them praise and recognize them for all the efforts they put into their art. Dubbed the “Oscars of the Visual Arts,” The ArtTour International Magazine’s Top 60 Masters Awards celebrates its 10th-anniversary issue by hosting over sixty world-class artists from all over the globe and acknowledging them for their mastery of the visual arts.

Each year, ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Awards are held to acknowledge the trailblazing endeavors of artists in the global art scene. The 10th installment of this grand celebration will be held on June 17, 2022, in New York City. Artists from all across the globe will travel to the event and be awarded in several categories.

Artists will be vying for the highly coveted award executed by none other than ArtTour International Magazine co-founder Viviana Puello. The award is an elegant, stunning sculptural project entitled “Rising Above.” It is a 25-cm angel-like figure with magnificent open wings and extended arms painted in Ferrari Red Enamel and 24 Karat Italian Gold.

The ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Awards are among the most recognized and prestigious art award programs in the entire world. The award has internationally propelled its artist recipients to a new level in their careers. The pristine sculpture is a symbol of their collective success in the art world. Receiving the award has brought even bigger success to thriving artists, elevating their credibility, sheer artistry, and exposure.

The prestigious event is celebrated once a year, and unlike most award programs in the industry, artists who are recognized by ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Awards will go through a rigorous vetting process as they are meticulously screened if they are truly deserving of a nomination, let alone the award itself. The award-giving body receives over three thousand artist submissions each year, and only sixty artists get selected as winners.

ArtTour International Magazine has built a massive reputation in the art world, garnering over two million readers spread across almost 200 countries. ArtTour International has become the definitive authority in the art scene, with various programs that heavily support artists, including a TV show called The ArtTour International Show, available on Apple TV, Amazon Fire, and Roku streaming platforms.

ArtTour International lives and breathes under the philosophy of promoting artists to raise awareness and consciousness on the most relevant social topics by employing their works of art, ultimately aiming at a louder voice for artists worldwide. The brand amplifies global artists’ messages through its ever-growing platform, allowing smaller artists to gain a voice amid the cutthroat competition.

ArtTour International Magazine was created by Viviana Puello alongside her husband, the award-winning film director Alan Grimandi. After two decades of working in the art industry and witnessing the struggles and hardships that many artists face, Viviana decided to utilize her expertise to help others. By creating this incredible multi-media platform and teaching creative entrepreneurs how to build a successful business and stay true to their message, Viviana is changing the future of many artists worldwide.

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Eerdere berichten over de ATIM’s Top 60 Masters Award:
Members Only Virtual Event
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