L’Amour Magazine: antwoorden op interview verzonden

Direct nadat ik op de berichtendienst van Kavyar een bericht heb achtergelaten met een link naar Google Docs waar de hoofdredacteur van L’Amour Magazine het Photography Release Form kan downloaden, heb ik op dezelfde berichtendienst de antwoorden op de vragen van het interview verzonden.

The interview:

An an introduction to your work, who you are and how you started
(in approx 25 paragraphs)
I’m Tjeerd Doosje, a 57 years old Dutch fashion- and portraitphotographer.
I work as a semi-pro photographer in addition to my job as a math teacher in a high school.
In recent years I have won a number of international awards for my fine art work.

How did you become a photographer?
That’s a strange story, I guess.
I’m a math teacher at a highschool in the Netherlands and there was this makeup course for pupils at Friday afternoon, which was held almost every month. One of the students always showed up and with the makeup artist I met, we decided to do a complete photoshoot.
That’s the way I started with modelphotography.

How did you started, at what age did you start?
The photoshoot mentioned in the previous question was the first of many photoshoots with the same model and I liked this so much that in the end I resigned for one day of my full-time job as a mathteacher to commit this day for my photography.
I started as a portrait- and fineartphotographer at the age of 46.

What inspires you?
There’s so many things that inspire me, but most of all it’s the connection with the model that inspires me. I think it’s of great importance and value to have a good relationship with a model, before, during and after a photoshoot. Not for nothing is my slogan “Shine for me and I’ll shine for you”.

What inspires you about fashion?
What I like about fashion is the way new and often extraordinary concepts of clothes are worked out, sometimes more extravagant, both in style as in color. But also the more pronounced poses of a model as well as the out of the ordinary points of view when photographing the model inspires me about fashion.

How do you think fashion photography and art would mix?
In my humble opinion, fashion photography is a form of art in itself.

Whose work has influenced you most?
Definitely Lindsay Adlers work, who I met in person a couple of years ago, during a workshop with her in the Netherlands.

What is your favorite part of being a fashion photographer?
That’s a hard question, because I like every part of it: the preparation, the photoshoot itself, but also the editing afterwards.

What are you working on these days?
At this very moment, there’s not a special project I’m working on, but Merlin and I are preparing for a photoshoot with high fashion designerclothes.

Which was your favorite project and why?
With the model Merlin, whose photos are now being published, I would absolutely choose the project with the red designer dress and definitely the photos we shot in New York last June.

Why did you choose to be a fashion photographer?
It was not something I especially have chosen for, but I actually just rolled into it.
I did some portrait photoshoots with a model and she became more and more an influencer for designer clothes. One day I was asked if I wanted to take pictures of that too.

What is the secret to your success?
Persistance, maybe even stubbornness. I realize all too well that success is relative and that you should not rest on your laurels, but stay active and always try to raise the bar for yourself.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to continue to grow as a photographer in the coming years. My silent dream is to have my own studio space, so that will be and is my goal for 10 years from now.

What would you like to tell people who want to follow your steps?
Follow me for my work and be engaged.

As a few words of farewell I would like to add some words which my muse and model Merlin wrote:
“I am Merlin Sen, 14 years old and have been working with Mr. Tjeerd for more than 2 years.
Our cooperation had always been good and pleasant from the start.
From the beginning we made a lot of portrait photos that I am still proud of and find beautiful.
When I became older and discovered the modeling world more, we also started taking fashion photos.

I still have to learn a lot to be able to pose better but Mr. Tjeerd guides me with everything and I’ve learned a lot from him.
I hope that I can work together with Mr. Tjeerd Doosje @studiotjeerd for many years to come and that we can take beautiful pictures together.

I want to thank L’Amour Magazine for publishing photos of me.
I’m very proud of that.
Thank you very much on behalf of me and my photographer Mr. Tjeerd Doosje.

With lots of love model Merlin Sen🧿”

Met het toesturen van de vragen op het interview is in ieder geval dat gedeelte nu rond.
En nu maar hopen dat de hoofdredacteur ook het Photography Release Form via Google Docs kan binnenhalen.
Dan is namelijk de publicatie een feit.

Inmiddels is er al een indrukwekkend aantal publicaties in modellen-, fashion- en beautytijdschriften geweest met foto’s van Merlin:
CanKids Magazine (januari 2021)
The Face Wild Child Magazine (augustus 2021)
The Style Researcher Magazine (september 2021)
Fashion Magazine NYC inclusief cover (december 2021)
Beautica Magazine (maart 2022)
The Style Researcher Magazine inclusief cover (maart 2022)
Wild Child Magazine inclusief cover (juli 2022)
ICON Fashion Magazine (augustus 2022)

Daar kan dus nu waarschijnlijk ook de publicatie in het L’Amour Magazine aan worden toegevoegd.

Wordt vervolgd.

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