Vragen over Fuori E-vento voor M.A.D.S Art Gallery

Zo tussen de bedrijven door, want erg drukke dagen en weken bij mijn andere baan als docent, heb ik alle informatie met betrekking to Fuori E-vento, waarbij een foto op een billboard in Times Square (New York) kan worden vertoond, doorgelezen en tot me genomen.
En dan heb ik daar nog wel een aantal vragen over die ik graag beantwoord zou willen zien.

In een eerder blogbericht, schreef ik al dat ik benaderd was door een curator van M.A.D.S. Art Gallery (Milaan, Italië) over het zogenaamde Fuori E-vento Project dat ze op dit moment doe, waar onder andere een expositie op een billboard op Times Square in New York bij hoort.

De informatie die ik toegezonden kreeg riep bij mij de volgende vragen op die ik naar de curator heb gemaild:

Dear Salma,

My excuse for my late reply (I already confirmed your message on DM on Instagram), but the last couple of days were very busy for me because I unexpectedly had to join in for the supervision of a school camp.
Therefore I wasn’t able to read your document thoroughly, which I did this afternoon.

The proposal you’re offering me seems great to me, but I do have a couple of questions about it and I hope you’re able to give me an answer on those questions.

1. In the email you write that the Fuori E-vento is without date and without theme. Does this mean I can schedule with you the date I want it to, or does it mean that it depends on the number of artists who participate in this event?
2. In the DM on Instagram you wrote about the exhibition on the screens on Times Square (NYC). Of course this is a fantastic thing, but I also wonder how many minutes the artwork(s) are shown and on how many days (and of course also at what time of the day). So can you tell me more about that?
3. You also mention in your DM on Instagram about the probable purchase of a photo: will you help me with pricing my artwork(s) for the market both in Italy and US?
4. In the PDF it states that M.A.D.S. Art Gallery is introducing me to the public via 1 reel, 1 story and 1 post on Instagram, but also via art collectors, art buyers, galleries, designers, art fairs, book and magazine publishers. Can you tell me with which of them does the gallery collaborate and do you have some examples (photos and/or publications) where M.A.D.S. Art Gallery was involved by pitching an artist?
5. Can you send me an example of a brochure or catalogue that is made when chosing option number 3 (5 artworks)?
6. Can you send me an example/link of an artist that have his/her page in the metaverse (like described in option number 3)?
7. When shown on the billboard in NYC, I guess photos in landscape format are the best, doesn’t it? But a lot of photos of mine are in portrait format. How can these photos be showcased the best?
8. Since I’m working with models, I would like to ask whether it is possible (when I choose for 3 or more photos) to have them shown seperately, since there’s a lot of rivalry between the (parents of the) models.
9. In addition to my previous question: would it be possible to attend the Fuori E-vento more than once or is this a one-time-only participation for me?

I know, there are a lot of questions, but I do hope you can answer them for me.

As far as I’m concerned, I do want to participate in the event and based on the answers to the questions, I’ll decide with how many photos I will participate, because this also depends on the willingness of the (parents of the) models.

To me, there’s one very busy week ahead, but after this week I’ll have more time on my hand to prepare everything for this exhibition.

Will you please give my kind regards to Alessandra and Carlo?

Tjeerd Doosje
Studio Tjeerd

Wordt vervolgd.

Eerdere berichten over deze mogelijke expositie:
Fuori E-vento: foto op billboard Times Square?

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