Antwoorden op vragen over Fuori E-vento van M.A.D.S Art Gallery

Vandaag heb ik de e-mail met de vragen die ik had gesteld, nog een keer gestuurd naar de curator.
Soms komen e-mails van mij niet aan, krijg ik weleens te horen en dat gebeurt vaak bij Hotmail accounts, die mijn e-mail als spam zien.
Gelukkig kreeg ik nu wel antwoord en meteen ook de antwoorden op de vragen die ik had gesteld met betrekking tot Fuori E-vento, waarbij een foto op een billboard in Times Square (New York) kan worden vertoond.

In een vorig blogbericht staan de vragen die ik had gesteld aan de curator van M.A.D.S. Art Gallery (Milaan, Italië)  die me begeleidt en

die combineer ik hier meteen maar met de antwoorden erop.

Dear Tjeerd,

Thank you for resending me the mail, I didn’t receive it previously so sorry for the late reply.

As for the question, here are the answers:
Q. In the email you write that the Fuori E-Vento is without date and without theme. Does this mean I can schedule with you the date I want it to, or does it mean that it depends on the number of artists who participate in this event?
A. This exhibition will be exclusive for you, which means only your artworks will be exhibited on the mega screen in NYC without other artists beside you, so yes we can schedule the date you wish this month, but we need to recieve your application as soon as possibile if you’d like to take part of this limited time initiative.

Q. In the DM on Instagram you wrote about the exhibition on the screens on Times Square (NYC). Of course this is a fantastic thing, but I also wonder how many minutes the artwork(s) are shown and on how many days (and of course also at what time of the day). So can you tell me more about that?
A. The promo video of you and your work in NYC will last for 15 sec, the exhibition however and the full interview with you will be streamed on our official channels and will last for more & we will create a permanent profile for you on our website. So that when a collector search for your name on Google, they’ll find that you’re an important artist and find all the info, interview and expertise recognition about you.

Q. You also mention in your DM on Instagram about the probable purchase of a photo: will you help me with pricing my artwork(s) for the market both in Italy and US?
A. Sure! I’ll let you also know how to price any of your artworks based on a professional formula that we commonly use in the art market.

Q. In the PDF it states that M.A.D.S. Art Gallery is introducing me to the public via 1 reel, 1 story and 1 post on Instagram, but also via art collectors, art buyers, galleries, designers, art fairs, book and magazine publishers. Can you tell me with which of them does the gallery collaborate and do you have some examples (photos and/or publications) where M.A.D.S. Art Gallery was involved by pitching an artist?
A. We have a wide network of art professionals, collectors, critics, gallerists and experts who follow our website & social media channels & visit regulary our exhibitions. They always seek artists to collect, write about or collaborate with, and when they contact us we put them in contact with you directly.
You can check MADS official website & instagram page for all the photos & videos, and to see our catalogue publications.

Q. Can you send me an example of a brochure or catalogue that is made when chosing option number 3 (5 artworks)?
Q. Can you send me an example/link of an artist that have his/her page in the metaverse (like described in option number 3)?
A. In the following link you can find the metaverse & catalogue examples

Q. When shown on the billboard in NYC, I guess photos in landscape format are the best, doesn’t it? But a lot of photos of mine are in portrait format. How can these photos be showcased the best?
A. Both landscape & portrait are accepted, given the huge dimension of the screens both will be perfectly visible to the visitors.

Q. Since I’m working with models, I would like to ask whether it is possible (when I choose for 3 or more photos) to have them shown seperately, since there’s a lot of rivalry between the (parents of the) models.
A. Yes, we can seperate them if you participate more than once.

Q. In addition to my previous question: would it be possible to attend the Fuori E-Vento more than once or is this a one-time-only participation for me?
A. Sure you can participate in the FUORI EVENTO more than once, as much as you wish! I’d be happy to collaborate with you.

Allemaal heel duidelijke antwoorden die gegeven worden en daar heb ik Salma ook voor bedankt.
Er is dus nog even tijd (maar niet te lang) voordat ik een en ander in werking hoef te gaan stellen.
En dat is wel heel erg prettig, want het zijn de laatste drukke dagen van het schooljaar en de ervaring leert dat ik zeker een week nodig heb om weer “boven Jan” te komen.

Wordt vervolgd.

Eerdere berichten over deze mogelijke expositie:
Vragen over Fuori E-vento Project
Fuori E-vento: foto op billboard Times Square?

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Art Gallery: volg deze link.