Open uitnodiging voor het Athens Photo Festival 2024

Via de e-mail ontving ik een open uitnodiging voor de Athens Photo Festival 2024.
Dat is een voor mij onbekende organisatie die mij blijkbaar toch heeft gevonden.
En deelname hieraan lijkt een goede mogelijkheid om bekendheid te krijgen in een ander land.

Open Call for Artists and Photographers
Submit your work to the Athens Photo Festival 2024
Athens Photo Festival is now accepting submissions from artists and photographers for its exhibition program. The selected works will be on view from 4 June to 28 July, at the Benaki Museum / Pireos 138, one of the most prestigious museums in Greece.

The Festival will feature the work of over 100 artists from all over the world, selected through this international open call. Exploring a variety of cultural, artistic, social, and political perspectives, the festival is dedicated to providing a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas, artistic expression, and engagement with photography and visual culture.

The Festival invites projects from the entire spectrum of the photographic medium, ranging from fine art, conceptual, documentary photography, and photojournalism to other media, including video, performance, and installation. In this way, we seek to create a critical dialogue that embraces a variety of expressive means, thematic areas, and approaches – from a traditional photography background to the most contemporary practices.

The main program will occupy all the exhibition spaces of the Benaki Museum / Pireos 138, covering over 3,000 square meters. In addition to the exhibitions, at the core of the Festival, is a multi-layered program of events and initiatives, including educational activities, networking and talent development opportunities, community outreach, and a variety of public programs.

Submission Deadline: February 5, 2024

Zoals bij de inleiding van dit blogbericht al is aangegeven, is Athens Photo Festival een nieuwe organisatie voor mij.
Ik ben dan altijd weer benieuwd hoe men mij heeft weten te vinden.

Op de website van de organisatie valt te lezen:
Constantly reinventing itself, the Athens Photo Festival continues its longstanding commitment to fostering diversity, inclusion, and creativity. Our expanded programming represents a shared vision for what a photography festival can be in ways that make sense right now. We consider the entire experience — how the festival looks, speaks, behaves, inspires, and dreams — always questioning, always evolving.

Op diezelfde website valt ook op te maken dat deze organisatie al sinds 1987 bestaat:

The festival was established in 1987 through the initiative of Stavros Moresopoulos, initially named the International Month of Photography in Athens, operating on a biennial basis. It stands as Greece’s longest-running photography festival and is among the five oldest in the world. In 2008, it officially became the Athens Photo Festival, reflecting its expanded program that now includes diverse events aligned with contemporary social and aesthetic needs.

Over the years, the Festival has remained true to its founding purpose, raising awareness of photography and acting as a catalyst for lens-based practice in Greece. It also serves as a platform for showcasing contemporary trends, emerging talent from around the world, and the best of Greek photography. A comprehensive archive spanning over 35 years of Festival activities, including photos, texts, and information about the artists, will soon be accessible online on this website.

Het festival behoort dus tot de vijf oudste foto festivals ter wereld.
Ik vind het dan ook een hele eer dat ik middels een e-mail een open uitnodiging voor heb ontvangen.

Of en welke foto(‘s) ik zal gaan deelnemen, is nog even de vraag.
Daarvoor wil ik eerst nog wat meer achtergrondinformatie inwinnen.
Daarvoor heb ik nog tot 5 februari a.s.

Wordt dus vervolgd.