Richtlijnen artikel La Belle Magazine

Naar aanleiding van een e-mail waarin de editor van La Belle Magazine vroeg om een artikeltje over Merlin, had ik gevraagd om  richtlijnen met betrekking tot wat de inhoud van het artikeltje precies moest zijn, hoe lang dat mocht zijn en ook wat de deadline hiervoor is.

De mailwisseling ontstond door de opmerking die werd gedaan in de bevestigingsmail dat foto’s van Merlin worden geplaatst in La Belle – Kidz & Teen Fashion Magazine.

Would you like to include a short article about Merlin?
Please feel free to send an article if they want to do so.
It’s optional.
The article can tell everyone about her modeling experiences, any significant achievements, fashion shows, competitions, any important modeling jobs for well-known brands etc., and her talents and hobbies beyond modeling, etc.
Or anything they like to tell us about Merlin!

Waarop mijn vraag was:
As for your question about a short article about Merlin: I’ve already asked the mother of Merlin whether she would like to be included in a short article.
We, Merlin and I, have achieved a lot in the years we work together, including several international prizes, publications and exhibition (upcoming one in Dubai).
As far as I can understand from your lines, it must be specifically about Merlin and not about our collaboration, am I right?

My question in return is how short short is, in other words, how many words maximum does the short article have to be?

Het antwoord liet niet lang op zich wachten:
“Hi Tjeerd,

Our pleasure!
Of course you will be credited in the publication as the photographer, and if you like to tell the story/projects you have worked together, that would be awesome!
Usually 500-1000 words in an article, but you can do a little more if needed.
You photography is amazing!
Feel free to submit more, we always love to feature talented photographers, models/young talents and fashion brands/designers, styles, etc!


La Belle Team”

In antwoord hierop van mijn kant:
Hi La Belle team,

Thank you so much again for your quick reply!
I always like it when there is good communication and is, in my humble opinion, key to a great collaboration.

I already assumed I would be credited as a photographer since a photo is always the sum of the different parts: model and photographer (and if applicable: muah).
Without model: no photos and without photographer: no photos.

I’m not sure what Merlin and her mother will write down and if they want a short story in your magazine, but I’m sure we will discuss this together.
As I mentioned: we’ve achieved a lot together because I almost always submit photos of Merlin to all kinds of exhibitions, publications and so on, to promote Merlin as a model.
But that’s also in consultation with the mother of Merlin.

So, in short, we’ve a long list of things we did together and, haha, I’m not sure whether that would fit in a 1000 words.
I’ll await the input from the mother of Merlin and I will come back to you when I have some.
Is there a deadline for submitting the text (I guess within a week)?

Thank you so much for your compliments about my photography, but as mentioned before, it’s not only my merits.
Together we, model and photographer, we make the images.

We’ll keep in touch!

Have a great weekend ahead!


En als laatste reactie op mijn e-mail van de editor van La Belle Magazine:
Hi Tjeerd,

At our publication, we credit everyone in a submission and we usually publish what the submitter sends us, especially if their works/photos are of exceptional quality.

We will wait for your/Merlin’s mom’s decision on whether she would like to include an article.
Yes, please send it in a week.

Keep in touch!
Have a great weekend!”

Kort door de bocht komt het er dus op neer dat het stukje dat gepubliceerd zal worden samen met de foto’s van Merlin, over onze samenwerking mag gaan, dat dat tussen de 500 en 1.000 woorden mag bevatten en dat de deadline volgende week vrijdag, 26 april, is.

Een klein naschrift: met de moeder van Merlin is afgesproken dat zij uiterlijk aankomende maandag een stukje aanlevert, waarop ik dan het vervolg schrijf en de twee stukjes “aan elkaar lijm”.

Op de website van het tijdschrift staat te lezen waar het tijdschrift voor staat:
“La Belle is an international print and digital kids & teen fashion magazine for the trendsetting and style-savvy child; we are a fashion guide for parents, kids fashion buyers, and retailers. 

Our quarterly kids & teen fashion magazine features the latest in kids’ fashion, talent, art & literature, and fashion events. 

We take pride in collaborating with the most creative and artistic photographers, designers and models to provide you with fashion as its best! “

Inmiddels is er al een indrukwekkend aantal publicaties in modellen-, fashion- en beautytijdschriften geweest met foto’s van Merlin:
CanKids Magazine (januari 2021)
The Face Wild Child Magazine (augustus 2021)
The Style Researcher Magazine (september 2021)
Fashion Magazine NYC inclusief cover (december 2021)
Beautica Magazine (maart 2022)
The Style Researcher Magazine inclusief cover (maart 2022)
Wild Child Magazine inclusief cover (juli 2022)
Beautica Magazine issue #3 (augustus 2022)
ICON Fashion Magazine (augustus 2022)
L’Amour Magazine inclusief front- en backcover (november 2022)
The Style Researcher Magazine inclusief cover (december 2022)
Wild Child Magazine inclusief cover (december 2022)
Beautica Magazine Issue #3 inclusief front- en backcover (januari 2023)
Beautica Magazine Issue #2 inclusief front- en backcover (juni 2023)
La Modèle Magazine Issue #3 Volume 61 inclusief frontcover (september 2023)
All Eyes Magazine inclusief front- en backcover (november 2023)
Mirror Magazine inclusief front- en backcover (februari 2024)

Aan die lijst kan dan misschien (en nu ook ècht) een publicatie in La Belle Magazine worden toegevoegd.

Eerdere berichten over de mogelijke publicatie in La Belle Magazine zijn via deze link terug te lezen.