Foto’s Anoek ingestuurd voor European Photography Awards 2024

Vandaag heb ik een viertal foto’s van Anoek ingezonden voor de European Photography Awards 2024.

De European Photography Awards is een internationale wedstrijd voor fotografen, zowel amateur en professioneel en is onderdeel van de International Awards Associate (IAA), gesetteld in New York, waartoe ook de Muse Photography Awards, London Photography Awards en de New York Photography Awards behoren, waaraan al eerder is meegedaan.

Zo’n drie weken geleden kreeg ik de eerste van een reeks open uitnodigingen via de e-mail om mee te doen aan deze Awards.

De deelname aan de European Photography Awards is nu voor de tweede keer.
Twee jaar geleden was één foto van Anoek ingestuurd voor deze wedstrijd en die foto ontving maar liefst 2x goud in de verschillende categorieën.
Vorig jaar heb ik niet meegedaan aan deze wedstrijd.

Op de website van de European Photography Awards valt te lezen:

An Award For Avid Shutterbugs And Their Photographic Intuition.
The European Photography Awards welcome photographers from worldwide nations ready to hone their photography skills and their extraordinary takes on diversity, whilst portraying the majestic cultures passed down for generations.

Recognising exquisite and artistic content, the awards honours vast arrays of genres in the photographic medium, extending the reaches of your talents all across the globe. No matter your status in the industry, your visualisations of the world and all it encases are what the awards celebrates. Unearth limitless possibilities while embarking on an outlandish voyage across the vast continent pieced together by countless diverse countries, where they combine to form a grandeur landmass.

Similarly, your memories are fabricated through different pieces, as you forge your personal collection of reminiscence. With each photograph you capture, your bonds with your memory strengthens, until you ultimately link them to create a future vision of collective remembrance, and that is the direction the awards plans on acknowledging.

Win The Title For Photographer Of The Year And Receive Up To $7,400 Cash Prizes
Progress Towards The Universal Photographer of the Highest Endeavours

In The European Photography Awards, our sights are set on altering the standards of photography. No matter if you are a professional or just a new enthusiast, there will always be room for innovation and talent.

Photographer of the Year
Receive the 2024 European Photography Awards’ Medal and a $3,000 cash prize

Photographer of the Year
Receive the 2024 European Photography Awards’ Medal and a $2,000 cash prize

Category Winners of the Year
(Professional and Amateur/Student)

Category Winners
(Professional & Amateur / Student)
$100 cash prize* each Professional (12 Categories) & Amateur / Student (12 Categories)

All Winners
(Professional & Amateur / Student)
Platinum & Gold Winners
Printable e-Certificate
Winner Badge & Marketing Tools
Exhibit in European Virtual Exhibition
Be interviewed and featured on Muse.World, our third-party media partner website
Dedicated winner’s profile page and social media posts

Een flinke opsomming van het doel van de European Photography Awards en wat er te winnen valt.

Na overleg met de moeder van Anoek, zijn de volgende vier foto’s ingezonden in verschillende categorieën:

Foto Anoek (0524) is in de categorie Commercial Photography ingestuurd voor de subcategorie CM2412 Fashion.

De foto is ook ingeschreven in de categorie Fine Art Photography, in de subcategorie FA2407 Fashion.

Foto Anoek (1306) is in de categorie People Photography ingestuurd voor de subcategorie PE2422 Portrait.

Ook foto Anoek (1316-2) is in de categorie People Photography ingestuurd voor de subcategorie PE2422 Portrait.

En ook foto Anoek (1316-2) is in de categorie People Photography ingestuurd voor de subcategorie PE2422 Portrait.

Deze foto is daarnaast in de categorie Fine Art Photography ingeschreven en wel in twee subcategorieën: FA2403 Beauty en FA2423 Portrait.

Een eenentwintig koppige jury, 3 uit Canada, 3 uit India, 2 uit de Verenigde Staten, 2 uit Frankrijk, en 1 uit elk van de volgende landen, Dominica, Tsjechische Republiek, Singapore, Maleisië, Japan, Bangladesh, Italië, Cyprus, Polen, Hong Kong en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, zal zich straks buigen over de inzendingen van alle fotografen.

Bij de beoordeling wordt gelet op de volgende dingen (te vinden op de website van de organisatie):
Judges score on a scale of 1-100, based on the below criteria.

  • Originality (Uniqueness of Concept / Expression of Theme)
  • Creativity / Story / Mood
  • Technical Execution (Composition, Color, Lighting, Exposure and Focus)
  • Marketability / Newsworthiness / Current or Potential Social Impact
  • Overall Impression / Wow! Factor / Memorable

Entries receiving an average score under 60 do not receive an award.

The European Photography Awards and International Awards Associate’s decisions are final in its sole discretion and binding in relation to all matters relating to Competitions and may not be subject to any discussions or correspondence.

Judging is blind.
All entrant information is removed from entries to prevent bias/conflict of interest.

European Photography Awards judging process is designed to be impartial and free from outside influences by withholding both the names of the judges on its panel as well as the contestant’s names throughout the entire evaluation process.
Both judge and contestant names are withheld until after award winning entries are selected.
This anonymity shelters all involved from any vested interest which may attempt to influence the judges’ opinions or the judging process.

Hoe worden de winnaars dan bepaald?
Entries are judged at random without comparison to other entries in a category.
Amateur/student photographers are not compared to Professional Photographers in the same category.

To ensure high standards of high quality, a category may have multiple winners or no winners.
Work is critiqued rated by consensus, with the panel of judges determining a rating on a scale of 100 points.

There are FIVE (5) levels of achievement in the competition:
European Photographer of the Year
Category Winners of the Year (12 Categories)
Platinum Winners (85-100 points)
Gold Winners (60-84 points)
Honourable Mentions (50-59 points)
The number of awards presented by European Photography Awards is determined by the number of submissions in a given category, the scoring range and the number of tie scores.

De definitieve uitslag van de wedstrijd wordt op 16 augustus bekend gemaakt. Daarvoor komt nog een zogenaamde Early Result uitslag, maar wanneer deze gepland staat is niet bekend.
Ik ben benieuwd hoe de foto’s van Anoek het deze keer gaan doen en of één van de foto’s ook weer goud kan behalen.
We gaan het zien!

Wordt vervolgd

Belangrijkste berichten over de European Photography Awards:
2x goud Awards 2022

Alle berichten met betrekking tot de European Photography Awards zijn via deze link terug te lezen.
En alle berichten met  betrekking tot de International Awards Associate zijn via deze link terug te lezen.