Persoonlijke uitnodiging Florence Biennale, Italië, ontvangen

Via de e-mail ontving ik een persoonlijke uitnodiging van de voorzitter van de Florence Biennale met daarin de boodschap dat ik ben aanbevolen bij het International Selection Committee voor eventuele deelname aan de Biennale in 2019.

Ik voel me zeer vereerd dat ik deze uitnodiging van de voorzitter zelf heb ontvangen.

Dear Artist, Tjeerd Doosje,

we are pleased to inform you that you have been recommended by our International Selection Committee (CIS) to partecipate in the forthcoming edition of the Florence Biennale.
The Florence Biennale is the major contemporary art exhibition in Florence where it is regarded as an outstanding showcase of the international contemporary art production. 460 artists from 72 countries participated in the last edition, which has been held under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tuscany Region, and Municipality of Florence, and was attended by more than 10.000 visitors.

In the last twenty years, the Florence Biennale has offered to all participating artist an extraordinary intercultural and interdisciplinary experience. In recognition of this commitment, the Florence Biennale has been included in the program “Dialogue between civilizations” by the United Nations in 2001, and has obtained the patronage of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in 2017.

Within the framework of the Florence Biennale, each participating artist competes for the “Lorenzo il Magnifico” Awards, conferred by our International Jury to the best exhibiting artists for their works on show, as well as for several Artist Residencies and other Special Awards. Furthermore, the “Lorenzo il Magnifico” Lifetime Achievement Awards are conferred to individuals and/or organisations who have reached pinnacles of artistic achievement and/or stood out for their contribution to culture: Marina Abramović, David Hockney, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Gilbert & George, Anish Kapoor, El Anatsui are among the recipients in the past editions.

The XIIth Florence Biennale, which will take place at the historical Fortezza da Basso, from 18 to 27 October 2019, will engage participating artists and visitors in a rich programme of artistic and cultural activities. Aside from the main exhibition, there will be collateral events, workshops, conferences, and lectures relating to the new edition’s theme, which will be revealed soon.

Looking forward to meeting you personally, please read the information below if you would like to attend the XIIth edition of the Florence Biennale.

Kind regards,

Pasquale Celona

President of the Florence Biennale

In het kort is de strekking van de e-mail dat de voorzitter mij heeft aanbevolen bij het selectiecomité van de Biennale die van 18 tot en met 27 oktober 2019 in Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italië, wordt gehouden.
Het is helemaal nog niet gezegd dat ik op de tweejaarlijkse kunstbeurs mag exposeren, want daarvoor is het selectiecomité.
Daarnaast is het ook nog niet duidelijk welk kostenplaatje daar tegenover staat.
Hoe dan ook wordt mij gevraagd voor het eind van deze maand te reageren.

Onderstaande video geeft een impressie van de Biennale in 2017.

Wordt vervolgd.