Uitnodiging voor fysieke expositie New York

Vandaag in de e-mail een berichtje van de curator van Associazione Culturale “Sei l’Arte” met de uitnodiging voor een fysieke expositie in New York.

Dear Tjeerd,

The Sei l’Arte Cultural Association, in collaboration with the AccorsiArte gallery in Turin, has the opportunity to present 5 artists at the group exhibition to be held in New York – Manhattan. For the first time we will be present in the Big Apple. The occasion is unique and incredible, the proposal is very exclusive and I thought that one of your works could be ideal to present in this exclusive gallery and the American market.

Collective exhibition from 16 February to 05 March 2019 with Vernissage Saturday 16 February 2019 at 15.00.

For those who cannot attend the vernissage in New York, will be able to attend Venice with the live link between the two galleries at 21.00 Italian time.

The cost is 1.000,00 Euro occupying a space 100 x 100 cm approximately.

Transport (costs and logistics) is not included in this proposal, but at the expense of the artist, who will however have to evaluate the times so that the works arrive in time for the preparation. At the end of the exhibition the artist will have to take charge of the collection.

I understand that the figure may appear expensive, but when you see the gallery and where it is located in New York, you will understand the cost.

Services offered by the Gallery:

1) Publication on paper catalog;
2) Vernissage – press office;
3) photo and video of the show;
4) advertising on the main dedicated web portals, on the AccorsiArte Gallery website and on the AccorsiArt pages and on the Saphira & Ventura page;
5) take care of it. The link of the prestigious Saphira & Ventura Gallery in Manhattan a few meters from the famous 5th Avenue.

Ik ben benieuwd welke foto Mara, de galeriehoudster, in gedachten heeft voor deze expositie. En ook zou ik graag willen weten wat de commissie is die de galerie zichzelf toe-eigent.

Ik moet hier toch wel even hard over nadenken, want het is me nogal niet een bedrag dat er voor twee-en-een-halve week wordt gevraagd.