Informatie internationale expositie “Renoir” M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milaan

Nadat ik gisteren in een e-mail aan de curatoren van de M.A.D.S. Gallery in Milaan een paar vragen had gesteld over de aankomende Renoir Award (in oktober),  kreeg ik vanmorgen hierop al de antwoorden via de e-mail.

De eerste vraag die ik had gesteld had betrekking op het aantal foto’s dat mag worden ingezonden. Dat blijken er vijf te zijn.
De tweede vraag betrof de deadline waarop de galerie de foto’s uiterlijk nodig heeft. Er is nog een zekere marge want de foto’s kunnen zo rond 15-20 september worden ingestuurd.
Dit geeft mij in ieder geval genoeg tijd, maar ook de mogelijkheid om bij aankomende fotoshoots foto’s te maken die specifiek voor de Renoir Award worden gemaakt.

Verder trof ik ook de zogenaamde Press Release aan bij de e-mail die hieronder is gekopieerd, maar die vanzelfsprekend ook op de website van M.A.D.S. Gallery als origineel te bekijken is.

International Contemporary Art exhibition
17 – 31 October 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
18, Corso San Gottardo – Milan (Italy)

Entrance on guest list: RSVP

One morning, as one of us was without black, he used blue: impressionism was born
(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)

Energy, joy of life, light-heartedness: the works of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, master of Impressionism, are a hymn to optimism. Seems to scream at life that you can be happy even when money is scarce and your career struggles to take off, because the joys that make days unique, after all, cannot be bought with money. He, who spent his mornings full of lightheartedness with friends, at the Rowing Club, and his drunken evenings, in the bohemian Paris of the late nineteenth century, often in the company of voluptuous models, knew this well. He, in love with beauty, according to whom “everything that exists, lives, all that lives, is beautiful and all that is beautiful, deserves to be painted“, because painting must express playfulness, exalt the pleasure of life and of all that is beautiful around us. He, the curious, always ready to let himself be seduced, amazed, surprised: no matter what; what mattered was to remain alert, ready to grasp every flash of beauty, even the most unexpected. He, who until the last moments of his life, instead of complaining about the many pains and crying on himself, tirelessly continued to paint, letting himself be seduced by the joy of living, in the awareness, confided to Matisse, that “suffering passes, but beauty remains”. He, from whom to take a cue, today more than ever, since there is a great need for “beauty”, everywhere, for anyone.

“For me, a painting must be something lovely, cheerful and beautiful, yes, beautiful. There are enough boring things in life without making others. I am well aware that it is difficult to admit that a painting may belong to the greatest painting while remaining cheerful. People who laugh are never taken seriously.”(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)

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