Gehonoreerd als Ambassador of Art 2021 The Netherlands

In de e-mail ontving ik een bericht met daarin de melding dat ik gehonoreerd ben voor een internationale prijs: Ambassador of Art 2021! Uit de e-mail blijkt dat ik hiermee Nederland mag vertegenwoordigen.

Het is inmiddels de 11e internationale prijs die ik in ontvangst zal mogen gaan nemen.

De e-mail luidt als volgt:

Dear Tjeerd Doosje,
on this occasion I want to write to you personally, because I absolutely want you to become Ambassador of the Art of your Nation.

Today contemporary art is going through a really difficult period. We are all aware that something has to change. We need an important recognition, able to make your Art truly immortal.

I am very proud to award you with the International PrizeAmbassador of Art“.

The recognition of Ambassador of Art is given to artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic designers, video artists, who, thanks to their art, have distinguished themselves on the international scene.

Each artist who receives this important recognition will be elected Ambassador of Art for his country. The band of “Ambassador of Art” can be carried during art events, vernissages, exhibitions, art meetings, conferences, awarding of prizes.

Art has always existed. Since man has existed, art has also existed, from the first graffiti to the present day with Contemporary Art.

Curators of the Prize are Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo and Salvatore Russo.

You will be eligible for:

– A page into the official catalog of the event “Ambassadors of Art 2021 – International Prize”.

– A page into the magazine Art International Contemporary Magazine of May/June in the section dedicated to the “Ambassador Of Art 2021 – International Prize”.

– Conferment of the “Ambassador Of Art 2021 – International Prize” (fine band).

– A copy of the magazine “Art International Contemporary Magazine”.

– A copy of the catalog “Ambassadors of Art 2021 – International Prize”.

– Personalized parchment with your name and motivation of merit.

Door de coronamaatregelen zal de prijs niet fysiek worden uitgereikt in Italië, maar zal de prijs rechtstreeks naar de kunstenaars worden gestuurd.

De benodigdheden voor de prijs (inclusief de foto die gepubliceerd gaat worden) kunnen nog tot en met 15 april 2021 worden ingestuurd.

Wordt vervolgd.