“The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award” ontvangen

Eind vorige maand ontving ik van Contemporary Art Curator Magazine een e-mail dat ze mij “The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award” wilden uitloven.
Een eerdere samenwerking ging nu niet bepaald over rozen en daarom heb ik die uitnodiging, mede ook door andere dingen die mijn aandacht opeisten, even laten liggen.

De samenwerking met Contemporary Art Curator Magazine dateert al weer van vier jaar geleden en leverde mij wel contact op met MADS Gallery Milano en de daarop volgende digitale exposities in Milaan.
Het interview met mij (dus van vier jaar terug) staat overigens nog steeds online op de website van Contemporary Art Curator Magazine.

Deze week heb ik contact gehad met de curator van het online magazine wat er toe geleid heeft dat ik deze uitnodiging/award toch wil accepteren.

Maar… de deadline voor het inleveren van foto’s was gisteren.
Vanavond kreeg ik van de curator de mededeling dat ik nog tot morgen mijn inzending kan doen.
Het betekent dat ik nu als de wiedeweerga mijn (ouders van) modellen zal aanschrijven of zij akkoord gaan met plaatsing van één of meerdere foto’s.

Die zijn dan bedoeld voor onderstaande:

Dear Tjeerd,
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine is delighted to present the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award.
The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award recognizes the most creative, dynamic and talented artists.
The prize’s genuinely global nature allows creative voices from worldwide to be represented.
We are excited to award you the prestigious Voices of Tomorrow Art Award!
The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award provides a fascinating glimpse into the aesthetic vision of some of the world’s most talented and creative artists.
Awarded to emerging, dynamic, and gifted visual artists, the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award recognizes the best of today’s contemporary artists.
Voices of Tomorrow Art Award investigates the ‘heritage of the future,’ challenging the possibilities of tomorrow.
The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award examines the world we live in today and how our past experiences force us to face a more inclusive future.
Art has the potential to impact the world!
Art has the power to make people feel, and this feeling can inspire them to think and act.
Art can help individuals overcome the numbing effect of today’s information overload by inspiring them to act on their ideas.
Art is a powerful tool for social change because it tells a story that can change and positively influence people’s futures and beliefs.
Winning the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award is a high-quality standard and offers an artist great recognition!
Awarded Artist receive the following:
1. Honourable Certificate.
The awarded Artist will receive the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award PDF print-version certificate, celebrating their achievement.

2. Art Award badge.

The awarded Artist will receive the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award ‘badge’ as an image file.

The badge can be used on the personal artist website to announce your Award.

3. The Awarded Artist will be featured on the special page on our website dedicated to the Awards.
Awarded artists will be presented on our website with a biography, statement, eight artworks and a link to their website and social media. Profiles of Awarded artists will remain on our website and will never be deleted.

4. Newsletter to all our database with art collectors honouring the awarded artists. 

5. Personalized promotions on Instagram and Facebook.
Benefits of an Art Award for an Artist’s Career:
Art Prize helps artists obtain a broader audience for their work and the attention of curators, writers, and collectors, not to mention the general public.
Once Art Prize is putten on a CV, it will not be dated – this is an approval stamp that will endure a whole career.
Art Prize helps obtain gallery exposure and government sponsorship for various events, including solo shows and collectors’ interests.
The Art Prize is an impartial vote of trust in a crowded sphere, bringing considerable respect and recognition.
In addition to the complete winner package, including everything you could need to celebrate the winning success of the prize, the awarded Artist receives status, recognition, credibility and international awareness.

How the Award is Given:  

An independent, international jury chooses the recipient of the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award made up of art world experts: owners of galleries, curators, art collectors and art fairs consultants. 
The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award selection committee is a team of experts who remain anonymous to preserve their independence.
Unfortunately, due to the current situation with COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot hold the Art Prize ceremony. 
Therefore Art Prize will be presented online. 
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine has established its name by curating the best contemporary art worldwide. CAC is one of the top online contemporary art magazines (750,000 unique monthly visitors) with thousands of followers worldwide, with content updated daily with articles and portfolios. Our readers are art collectors, magazine editors, curators, gallery owners, art dealers, bloggers, artists, and art lovers. 

Online Art Magazine: http://www.contemporaryartcuratormagazine.com
Instagram 411.000 followers: https://instagram.com/contemporaryartcurator/
Facebook 13.000 followers: https://www.facebook.com/contemporaryartcurator/  

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Wordt vervolgd.