Geen prijs “LensCulture Portrait Awards 2015”

Net een berichtje in de mailbox ontvangen dat de foto’s die door Studio Tjeerd waren ingestuurd niet in de prijzen zijn gevallen.
Het dient gezegd te worden dat de e-mail van LensCulture heel erg netjes is:

Hi Tjeerd –

Thank you for entering the LensCulture Portrait Awards 2015 competition. This year we received a record number of entries from photographers in over 129 countries. This presented a real challenge for our panel of judges to narrow down the entries to just six top winners, 25 finalists and 7 Juror’s Picks — but in the end, they came to a final decision. I’m sorry to say that your submission was not one of the winners or finalists chosen by the jury this year. We will be announcing the winners this week but we wanted to notify you in advance.

We are grateful for your participation in the LensCulture Portrait Awards 2015 — our competitions continue to be the best way for us to discover exciting new work and share it with the world. Please be assured that just because you were not chosen as one of the top winners, it does not mean that we think your photos are not good! Because of the limited number of spots for winners and finalists, a lot of truly excellent submissions were not chosen for the final cut made by the judges. As we mentioned in an earlier email to you, our editors posted over 800 submissions to our Portrait Awards Gallery ( to be seen by almost one million visitors to We also posted editor-selected submissions to our Facebook page and reached almost four million photography lovers during the competition. The breadth and quality of this year’s submissions was just astounding, we are delighted with the results.

We encourage you to continue being an active member of the LensCulture community, especially since we have a number of exciting new services we’ll be introducing this summer. Thanks again for participating!

Best wishes to you,

The LensCulture Team