Reacties weg bij portfolio Fifth Annual Exposure Photography Award?

Om te kijken hoe het er voor staat met The Fifth Annual Exposure Photography Award, keek ik op de persoonlijke pagina en tot mijn grote schrik zijn de reacties die mensen hebben geschreven plotsklaps weg.

Toevallig kreeg ik op hetzelfde moment een mailtje van de organisatie:

Hello Tjeerd Doosje,

We wanted to send a quick update as some members have noticed the Facebook powered comment section on your entry has been reset. This was not intentional and is an error within Facebook’s system.

SeeMe has a record of the number of votes and the number of comments you have received, so your vote totals are intact and this error from Facebook will not affect your running in the competition.

The comments are handled entirely by Facebook and their development team. We are working with the Facebook team to rectify the error and they estimate it will be resolved in 32 hours. It’s an issue that seems to be affecting many sites across the web. If you are curious you can follow the bug tracking on Facebook here (no need to comment, we are in direct communication with their technicians).

We are hoping Facebook can restore the content of your comments. Depending on how quickly Facebook’s tech team works on this problem, hopefully your comments will be restored soon.

We are so honored to have your work included in The Exposure Award. Earlier this week, views to the portfolios participating in the Exposure Award passed the 3 million mark! And the biggest promotion is yet to come…

Thanks again for submitting your work and being a part of this global celebration of photography.

Het zou erg jammer zijn wanneer de reacties écht weg zijn, maar wellicht kan het team techneuten dit nog terughalen.

Het is overigens onduidelijk of reacties die nu geplaatst worden  überhaupt worden opgeslagen.

De tussenstand nu: 46 votes (nog 54 te gaan) en 4 reacties (nog 96 te gaan).

Elke stem is dus  waardevol en dat kan op The Fifth Annual Exposure Photography Award. Stemmen kan tot en met 5 juni aanstaande. Delen mag!
Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank!