Foto Selia (0303) toegevoegd

Foto van Selia’s 3e fotoshoot toegevoegd.

500px Score: 96,0 (12 november 2017) – Reüpload
ViewBug Top 30 Class
“Image of the Month Volume 16” (30 december 2016)
500 px Score: 92,6 (26 maart 2016)
Reacties op de foto:
Lovely work, Tjeerd!

Marianne Clement

Wonderful portrait!

Leo Pöcksteiner

Very nice! Superb light!

Johannes Oehl

Bella expresión. Bonita edición!

Felipe Martínez Pérez

Marvelous and amazing portrait!!! Great light, presentation and mood!

Michaela Sibi

Expressive wonderful image!

Andy Dyso

Fantastic pose!

Delores Poll
(Verenigde Staten)

Great work!

Björn Jönnson

Beautiful portrait! Look of fascination…

Lafugue Logos

I’m with Yokai and Sven: if I was Italian – it would be a case of “Bella, Bella, Bella!”

Doug Ross

I agree with Sven. I like her cool facial expression, sharp eyes and light control. Truly skillful work! Wonderful diagonal portrait of Selia, Tjeerd! Love the framing work and cool eyes.

Yokai Catchlight

Nice portrait!

Abdullah Aydemir

Mooi werk weer, Tjeerd!

Dirk Noort

Such a lovely photo capturing her expression so beautifully! Superb work!

Hanna Schermer

Fantastic portrait and great light!

James Binder

Always love your work with light and details, Tjeerd! In this, you make a wonderful diagonal compose!

Wahyu Ono

Tjeerd, I have to say: this is honestly a splendid portrait. There are a lot of small exquisite details that makes this a high quality capture. Well done!

Sven Olav Vahlenkamp

Nice pose and model, Tjeerd!

Randy Poll
(Verenigde Staten)