In de e-mail ontving ik een bericht met daarin de melding dat ik opnieuw gehonoreerd ben voor een internationale prijs! Dit keer in Florence, Italië.
De prijs zal voor de 3e keer uit worden gereikt en is inmiddels de 10e internationale prijs die ik in ontvangst zal mogen gaan nemen. Hieronder ook de Leonardo da Vinci prijs die mij twee jaar geleden door dezelfde curatoren/organisatie werd toegekend.
Dear Tjeerd Doosje,
I am very proud to award you with the International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci – The Universal Artist.
The Prize is for the Artists that are worth for their artistic merit.
You will be awarded on January 25th, 2020, at the Borghese Palace in Florence, to the presence of collectors, journalists, politicians and art lovers.
If the artist will not be present at the awards ceremony, the prize will be sent home.
It is one of the most prestigious art awards awarded in the heart of Florence.
In the January/February number of the magazine Art International Contemporary, you’ll find a piece dedicated to the artistic talent of Leonardo da Vinci; moreover it will be followed by the artworks of the artists who took part of the event.
In the heart of the ancient Florence, near “Piazza del Duomo” and “Piazza della Signoria”, Borghese Palace is one of the most significative example of Neo-Classic architecture of the state capital, Florence. Even if its facade is majestic, this palace could seem hidden by the strict road. But once you come in, the beauty and the elegance are dazzling: the large honour salon brings to the Mirrors’ Room, that was the bedroom of Paolina Bonaparte.
You will be eligible for:
– A page in the art magazine “Art International Contemporary Magazine” of January/Februari in the section dedicated to the “International Prize Leonardo da Vinci”.
– A page in the official catalog of the event “International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci – The Universal Artist”.
– Conferment of the “International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci – The Universal Artist” (precious customized sculpted trophy)
– A copy of the art magazine “Art International Contemporary Magazine”.
– A copy of the catalog “International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci”
– A copy of the Art Calendar 2020 with publication of the artist’s birthday.
Wordt vervolgd.