Recensie foto’s Renoir Award, Milaan (Italië)

In de e-mail trof ik vandaag de catalogus aan die gemaakt is door M.A.D.S. Gallery naar aanleiding van de Renoir Award expositie welke 31 oktober afliep. Over de totale serie foto’s die in deze expositie tentoon waren gesteld, is een recensie geschreven door Art Curator Giulia Zanesi (Master of Arts AplusA di Venezia).

Van elke kunstenaar is in de catalogus een recensie geschreven over de volledige inzending voor de expositie en zo ook bij de inzending van Studio Tjeerd.

“Ours, as Sciascia said, is a country without memory and truth and for this reason I try not to forget”
(cit. Pier Paolo Pasolini)

Tjeerd Doosje’s photographic research is a tale of words that surprises with every shot, the extraordinary path of his female figures, girls and then women even before photography.

A small gesture, intimate and fragile that acquires evocative strength and power through its repetition in tradition, which in turn is something extraordinary changeable: this is where lies the seed of the uniqueness of the work of art.
That same value that Walter Benjamin indentifies in the ritual in which he had his first and original value of use.

The artist starts from a concept of memory and tradition and then comes through an intimate process to the elaboration of the tradition itself that assumes in his photographs a new formulation linked to the female figure, to his knowledge; her works are female in the soul, exude delicacy, vigour, naturalness of their own, the same that are shown – amost seems to whisper to us the artist – as unique and possible guardians of the hidden treasures of memory.

Tjeerd Doosje embellishes the photographs of his subjects with elements from nature, as if to emphasize the importance of purity and to treasure it.
Do not forget, therefore, to keep alive the memory in order to be able to communicate the interweaving of a reality that is not impenetrable and circumscribed, like the plot drawn by a photograph within which relationships and circumstances constitute its threads, the time that flows and its memory stories.

Art curator Giulia Zanesi

De volledige catalogus met alle recensies van de kunstenaars is hieronder te bekijken.

Eerdere berichten over de Renoir Award en expositie:
Laatste dag expositie
Foto’s ingestuurd
Uitnodiging ontvangen

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Gallery: volg deze link.