Recensie foto’s Merlin “ADRENOCROMO for Dinner”, Milaan (Italië)

In de e-mail trof ik vandaag de catalogus aan die gemaakt is door M.A.D.S.  Art Gallery naar aanleiding van de ADRENOCROMO for Dinner expositie welke gisteren afliep.
Over de totale serie foto’s die in deze expositie tentoon waren gesteld, is een korte recensie geschreven door Art Curator Martina Viesti (Bachelor Degree in Political, Social and International Sciences, Master Degree in Public, Business and Advertising).

De catalogus bevat de foto’s van de ingezonden kunstwerken van alle kunstenaars die aan de expositie hebben meegedaan. Daarnaast schrijft één van de art curators van de M.A.D.S. Art Gallery een recensie van het ingezonden werk.

Ik beperk me hier tot de pagina’s in de catalogus waarop de foto’s van Studio Tjeerd zijn opgenomen.

Tjeerd Doosje was born in Harderwijk, in the Netherlands.
He is a self-taught artist specialized in portrait and fashion photography.
The artist is renown internationally thanks to the several prizes he received during his career such as the Prize Velázquez and ArtTour International Magazine Top 60 Masters.
The artist has the great ability to capture beauty and elegance within his photographs.
With his portraits Tjeerd Doosje wants to represent the essence of the model, the person in the photographs has to be considered as
a real person, not just as subject.
Each piece highlights certain characteristics of the model personality, in fact we can feel the atmosphere and the real mood of the situation and the model.
Everything is well calibrated and all the elements create a perfect balance, between lighting, colors and elements presented
in the images.
As the artist states “I want to portrait the person in a slightly other way than a “normal” portrait.”

In the occasione of “ADRENOCROMO for dinner” Tjeerd Doosje exhibits three photographs with an ethereal and suspended atmosphere, the model has a real deep look which get the viewer attention.
The dark background creates a real contrast with the model and her skin, in each piece the artist insert an element which accompanied the model contrast, such as the rose, the earring and the pearls

Art Curator Martina Viesti

De volledige catalogus met alle recensies van de kunstenaars is hieronder te bekijken.

Eerdere berichten over deze expositie(s):
Vandaag eindigt expositie
Diploma Honorificus ontvangen
Vandaag start de expositie
Inzending Barcelona aangepast
Inzending Barcelona veranderen?
Inzending goedgekeurd
Benodigdheden opgestuurd
Antwoord van curator
E-mail naar curator
Foto Merlin in expositie
Uitnodiging voor expositie “ADRENOCROMO for dinner”
Foto’s buitengewoon en wil samenwerken

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over de samenwerking met M.A.D.S. Art Gallery: volg deze link.